Montag, 29. September 2008


web 2.0................................................web 3.0

. ‘the document web’ .............................‘the data web’
. information abundance .........................information control
. controversial .................................... no less controversial
. ‘the social web ................................. ‘the intelligent web’
. the second decade 2000-2009 ............. the third decade 2010-2020
. Google as catalyst ............................. Semantic web companies as catalyst
. wisdom of the crowds ......................... wisdom of the expert
. mashups, fragmentation ..................... integration, new mashup tools
. search, search, search ...................... why search, when you can find?
. Pagerank .......................................... ontologies, semantic systems
. lawless, anarchic ................................ standards, protocols, rules
. print and digital ................................... digital above all else
. I search, therefore I am ........................I find, therefore I create"

via UBC Academic Search - Google Scholar Blog: December 2007 Archives: "WEB 2.0 VERSUS WEB 3.0
In writing the BMJ editorial, I tried to list the different features of web 2.0 and 3.0, and came up with a few obvious points of comparison. What else should be added?

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