Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008
Montag, 29. Dezember 2008
superWise Technologies AG
Für intensive Suche in Texten, für Musik- und Spracherkennung, für Objektsuche in Fotos und Videos.
Visual search in images:3sat Neues - 12.10.2008: superWise Technologies AG
(via "Neues" on ZDFinfo)
Look at: Microsofts Search, Google Sets, Koabasearch...
Visual search in images:3sat Neues - 12.10.2008: superWise Technologies AG
(via "Neues" on ZDFinfo)
Look at: Microsofts Search, Google Sets, Koabasearch...
QR Code,
Real Life Objects,
Visual Search Hyperlink your world
Our goal is to connect the virtual and physical world by bringing the right information from the internet to the relevant place in physical space. index
QR Code,
Real Life Objects
Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008
MusicBox - graphical music recommendation interface

Yesterday I set up the MusicBox to animate transitions as you enable or disable features. I took a short video of this: it starts with no features enabled, and I go through each feature (or set of features; they are enabled in blocks together, like all tags at once), adding it, and you can see the shape of the musical space change as those features’ influence are added and subtracted.
(Read more)
Check out the MusicBox demo video
Information Design,
Large Information Display,
Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2008
ZYB Sync for iPhone available in the App Store
We’ve made it into the iTunes App Store with our first app, ZYB Sync.
It lets sync your contacts with your online ZYB account, so you’ll be able to celebrate Christmas knowing that you are in complete sync with your friends.
ZYB Sync for iPhone available in the App Store
Vodafone BlackBerry Storm Developer Contest
Vodafone BlackBerry Storm Developer Contest:
"Vodafone is looking for the best application for the BlackBerry Storm. The brand new super-mobile BlackBerry Storm has arrived, so now’s the time for great ideas: the search is on for new, smart and pioneering software for the Vodafone Smartphone. Resourceful developers taking part in the Vodafone innovations competition for the BlackBerry Storm not only have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win 50,000 euros – the three best software applications will be provided as downloads for all users in the BlackBerry Application Center."
Desktop Touchscreen System

Dan Saffer, author of the hot-off-the-presses Designing Gestural Interfaces book, writes:
With the launch of HP's TouchSmart and TX2 computers, I'm occasionally asked what a purely touchscreen system would be like for a desktop. (It's rumored that Jeff Han of Perceptive Pixel is currently working on one, and of course, the iPhone, Instinct, Dare, et al have touchscreen OSes for mobile.) With the publication of my book last week, I thought I would discuss what some desktop concepts could be like.
Check out Saffer's thoughts here:
Concept: Desktop Touchscreen System
WeFind - Genau was Du suchst

WeFind fungiert einerseits als universelle Suchmaschine und andererseits als Makler zwischen Suchenden und Wissenden. Dazu werden Such– und Communitytechnologien in innovativer Weise miteinander kombiniert.
– Universelle Suchmaschine mit implementierten Spezialsuchen
– Suche in Nachrichten, Wikipedia, Blogs, Webseiten und Community
– Integrierte Community-Plattform
Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit eine aktuelle Hilfe–Datei mit der ausführlichen Beschreibung und Abbildungen von WeFind zu erhalten.
WeFind - Genau was Du suchst
Social Search
XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
XMind, is an open source brainstorming and mind mapping software tool developed by XMind Ltd. It helps people to capture ideas, organize to various charts, and share them for collaboration. Supporting mind maps, fishbone diagrams, tree diagrams, org-charts, logic charts, and even spreadsheets. Often used for knowledge management, meeting minutes, task management, and GTD. XMind is compatible with Freemind. The latest version is XMind 3.
XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008
Video Shows Every Flight on Earth in 72 Seconds
Aspiring scientists from the Zurich School of Applied Sciences have built a video simulation that displays the flight path of every commercial flight in the world over a 24-hour period. There isn't much of an application for it, but it sure is cool to look at.
Video Shows Every Flight on Earth in 72 Seconds | Autopia from
Information Design
O2 Litmus

about | O2 Litmus: "O2 Litmus is an community project dedicated to finding and nurturing the very best new mobile, wireless and internet-enabled applications and services. It’s a place where anyone with a great idea for a new mobile application can find the tools they need to write anything from network-aware applications to widgets for Vista and Mac; but it’s also a place where users can engage with the developers, help them test the newest mobile applications and help to create the ideas that will define the mobile experience of the future. It’s this engagement between the developer and user communities that make Litmus a focal point for real innovation."
Mobile Apps
Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008
Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site
Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site: "Grow traffic by adding social features to your site"
Social Media
Nokia N97 Preview
QWERTY Tastatur
32 GB interner Speicher (48GB max)
3.5 zoll Touchscreen
5 megapixel Kamera mit Zeiss Optik
A-GPS und neuer Nokia Maps Version
mobile Widegts
Integration mit OVI
Mobile Concepts,
The Interface of a Cheeseburger
All things have an interface. Shaping interfaces is shaping the character of things. The brand is what transports the character of things. When looking at McDonalds, iPod, Nintendo DS it becomes quite obvious that the interface is the brand.
Read more:Information Architects
Interface Design
Nokia Maps 3.0
* High-resolution aerial images
* 3D landmarks for 216 cities and terrain maps
* New route overview during routing and during Drive
* Instant access to real time information such as camera alerts, safety spots and traffic information for selected countries
* Integration of Wcities event guides to provide users with real-time information for events and movies in over 450 destinations
* Improved pedestrian navigation
Touchscreen & iPhone
Abgefahrenes Konzept: Daten-Abgleich mit Touchscreen und iPhone: "“The Multi-Touch iTunes-like app utilizes Windows 7’s latest Multi-Touch support. Together with the latest large screen Multi-Touch hardware, users can directly synchronize and play with iPod/iPhone music, photos and videos on a large LCD TV. The software will also support other mobile phones such as T-Mobile G1 (Android) as well as digital cameras in the near future. It allows wireless connection and synchronization between the computer and supported devices, just like Microsoft surface.”"
Smartphone Show - Presentations
If you didn’t make the Symbian Smartphone Show this year or if, like me, you only spent part of a day there and didn’t get to see many of the presentations, then you can now view them online:
Smartphone Show - Presentations: "Mobile multimedia experiences 2.0"
Mobile Web 2.0,
Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008
iPhone Case for Sight Impaired

Touch and Go: Tactile iPhone Case for Sight Impaired | Cult of Mac
"Portugal-based designer Bruno Fosi crafted the silicon case with modified bas-relief buttons that correspond to the iPhone home screen. Fosi says that the iPhone thus covered keeps all its functions intact, including multi-touch and finger flick scrolling."
Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008
G-Map Navigation for iPhone
Montag, 1. Dezember 2008
Augmented Reality - Erweiterte Realität
Papervision - Augmented Reality (extended) from Boffswana on Vimeo.
Test it at: Boffswana Papervision - Augmented Reality
- Flash 10.0, Webcam required
- Download and print the symbol
- Allow flash access to your webcam below when it asks (or right click flash and select settings).
- Point your webcam at the printed symbol, and the character will appear on to
For those having trouble on the MAC, we’ve noted that you may need to manually select the camera in the flash settings by:
1) right click on flash and select settings.
2) select the webcam icon tab
3) choose your camera from the drop down list (if your camera is an inbuilt one, it’s likely to be the firewire version).
| Edit:
More Examples:
- Youtube-Video
Augmented Reality,
Real Life Objects
Freitag, 28. November 2008
ZYB New features
- Free SMS
- Manage groups
- Easier location sharing
- Status update
Read more at the ZYB blog.
Nimbuzz Mobile web pc widgets
Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live Messenger (MSN), Google Talk
Chat Funktion for Social Networks wie Facebook, MySpace, Gadu-Gadu, studiVZ, Hyves
For Moblies, iPhone and PC:
Nimbuzz - learn more: Mobile web pc widgets: "Nimbuzz Mobile lets you call, chat, message, and send files on the go, for free. It combines all your buddies from Skype, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Google Talk and more. One login, one contact list, all accounts."
Chat Funktion for Social Networks wie Facebook, MySpace, Gadu-Gadu, studiVZ, Hyves
For Moblies, iPhone and PC:
Nimbuzz - learn more: Mobile web pc widgets: "Nimbuzz Mobile lets you call, chat, message, and send files on the go, for free. It combines all your buddies from Skype, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Google Talk and more. One login, one contact list, all accounts."
Mobile Concepts,
Mircrosoft Mobile Application Architecture Guide
"Microsoft have just published a very useful 144 page Mobile Application Architecture Guide. While the guide 'provides an overview and prescriptive guidance for designing mobile applications on the .NET platform' if you look at the content, most of it is generic and equally applicable to all mobile projects."
Read more: Mobile Phone Development - Mobile Application Architecture Guide
Mobile Concepts,
System Architecture
Donnerstag, 27. November 2008
Screensaver Clock
Linklist of Screensaver-Clocks and more: Schöne Zeiten sehsucht
Interface Design
Mittwoch, 26. November 2008
ZYB and W3C Geolocation
In our efforts to create a more connected phonebook, we are now releasing an easy way for our users to share their location on the website. The location can be set on all pages and we use Google's map API to retrieve the specific geo location
Read more: pimp my ZYB - ZYB and W3C Geolocation
Dienstag, 25. November 2008
Battle for the smart-phone's soul | The battle for the smart-phone's soul | The Economist
BRACE yourself for disappointment: there may not be a flashy new mobile phone waiting for you under the Christmas tree. On November 14th Nokia, the world’s largest maker of such devices, announced that it expects the industry to sell no more than 330m of them in the fourth quarter—about 6m fewer than in the same period last year and 20m fewer than it predicted just a few months ago. Worse, Nokia expects sales in 2009 to drop below this year’s level. This would make it only the second year ever in which the global handset market has contracted.
Battle for the smart-phone's soul | The battle for the smart-phone's soul | The Economist: "Competition heats up to provide the software that powers mobile phones"
Opera Mini 4.2
A new version of Opera was released:
Opera Mini | The most popular mobile phone browser in the world
New features:
Personalize Opera Mini by choosing a new colorful skin.
We are working to make video content available on more phones through Opera Mini. If you have a new Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone, the chance is high that you can take Opera Mini for a spin on
Opera Mini 4.2 can use our newly established server park in the US. This means significantly faster page page downloads for users in the Americas and Asia-Pacific region.
Sync your Notes
Opera Link support for notes, allowing users to sync their notes between the PC and Opera Mini."
Opera Mini on Google Android (read more)
Opera Mini | The most popular mobile phone browser in the world
New features:
Personalize Opera Mini by choosing a new colorful skin.
We are working to make video content available on more phones through Opera Mini. If you have a new Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone, the chance is high that you can take Opera Mini for a spin on
Opera Mini 4.2 can use our newly established server park in the US. This means significantly faster page page downloads for users in the Americas and Asia-Pacific region.
Sync your Notes
Opera Link support for notes, allowing users to sync their notes between the PC and Opera Mini."
Opera Mini on Google Android (read more)
Browser Concepts
Montag, 24. November 2008
Always-On Display

Apple has patented a new display technology that will allow their iPhones to have always-on displays with almost no battery cost whatsoever. This doesn't mean the whole display would be lit at all times. In reality, only part of it would be activated using a secondary backlight system located under the main one. According to Apple, the objective is to give feedback to the user at all times, even when the main display is turned off:
via Gizmodos: Apple Patent: Future iPhones May Have Always-On Display
Freitag, 21. November 2008
Google Mobile - Sync
You asked for it, so here it is. We're happy to announce that in the latest update to Google Sync for BlackBerry, we've added two-way contacts synchronization. This new functionality will enable you to sync your handheld's built-in address book with your Gmail contacts. This all happens in the background and over the air, so your information is always up to date, no matter where you are or what you're doing.
Google Mobile - Sync
Social Graph Tool
See-ming Lee's QDOS profile: "QDOS measures your internet status and helps you manage your online profile. To calculate your internet status, QDOS measures your digital footprint - how active, popular and impactful you are online."
Identity 2.0,
Social Graph
Dienstag, 18. November 2008
Mobile Trends Glossar
FOAF - Friends of a Friend
LBS - Location Based Services
MID - Mobile Internet Device
MNOs - Mobile Network Operators
NFC - Near Field Communication
PND - Portable Navigation Device
PSP- Playstation Portable
RFOL - Radio Frequency Object Localisation
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
SIOC - Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities
UMPC - Ultra Moblie PC
XFN - XHTML Friends Network
(started from: Ric Ferraro's Blog: Location Mobile Trends for 2009 LBSs)
LBS - Location Based Services
MID - Mobile Internet Device
MNOs - Mobile Network Operators
NFC - Near Field Communication
PND - Portable Navigation Device
PSP- Playstation Portable
RFOL - Radio Frequency Object Localisation
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
SIOC - Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities
UMPC - Ultra Moblie PC
XFN - XHTML Friends Network
(started from: Ric Ferraro's Blog: Location Mobile Trends for 2009 LBSs)
Montag, 17. November 2008
Google Voice Search
- Voice Search
- Locations Based
Website Shortcuts
Suggestest Terms
Wikipedia Articles
Recent Search
Google Mobile App,
Freitag, 14. November 2008
How People Use iPhone

Create with Context - News: "We presented 'Taking a Peek: How People Really Use the iPhone' at the iPhone Developer Summit 2008 West on October 20-21, 2008 in San Jose, California. View the presentation."
Download PDF
Mittwoch, 12. November 2008
Nimbuzz - Mobile web pc widgets
Nimbuzz - learn more: Mobile web pc widgets: "Nimbuzz Mobile lets you call, chat, message, and send files on the go, for free. It combines all your buddies from Skype, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Google Talk and more. One login, one contact list, all accounts."
Nimbuzz is now integrated in Studi VZ (The German Facebook) as a Chat Client.
(via Mobile Ajax)
Mobile Web 2.0,
Dienstag, 11. November 2008
Pocket Projector and Laser Pointer for the iPhone
Optoma Pico Pocket Projector
Optoma Pico Pocket Projector
Montag, 10. November 2008
Freitag, 7. November 2008
BlackBerry Storm Touchscreen by Vodafone
BlackBerry Storm 9500 -
BlackBerry Smartphone - Vodafone
Some Features:
- BlackBerry® Storm™ smartphone in detail
- Multiple keyboard options
- Camera and video recorder
- Built-in GPS and BlackBerry Maps
- Mobile internet
- Multimedia formats
- Business use
- Connectivity
Mittwoch, 5. November 2008
Infopornographic! Datagraphic! Diagramatic!
Huge collection of Graphics and Information Design:
Yay Hooray | Infopornographic! Datagraphic! Diagramatic!: "Infopornographic! Datagraphic! Diagramatic!"
Information Design
Dienstag, 4. November 2008
Anyone can become a "Grafedia artist" by sending a word and the media file to the Grafedia server. For example, I created a Grafedia tag for the word "mahole." Just email and see what comes back!
Grafedia: grafedia: words written anywhere, then linked to images, video or sound files online.
Real Life Objects
Montag, 3. November 2008
TouchGraph Google Browser

TouchGraph Google Browser allows for the creation and navigation of ineractive graphs. Ideal for orginising links, or mind mapping.
Let all things be connected
"Violet was inspired by a simple fact: the rift between the virtual world - everything happening on the other side of your computer screen - and the physical world we live in is growing, and growing fast."
From the founders of Nabzatag:
Real Life Objects
City Data Visualisation Artist: STANZA ||Welcome to the main Stanza site. Generative art, net art, and networked spaces. 2008.
Pixolu - find what you imagine

This search engine for images is different to all others. Once you search an image you can refine your search by once again making another search using that image as a key. And there is no end, you can keep drilling down unless you find a more accurate match. It uses Yahoo, Flickr and Google.
Pixolu - find what you imagine
Visual Search
ImageSorter is an image browsing application, which allows an automatic sorting by color, date taken, name, or size.
- A project by
- Video with Sound (German only)
- Download-Page
- A project by
- Video with Sound (German only)
- Download-Page
Interaction Design,
Visual Search
Freitag, 31. Oktober 2008
Google: Open Social Graph
More: Social Graph API - Google Code: "Social Graph API"
… Based on open standards
We currently index the public Web for XHTML Friends Network (XFN), Friend of a Friend (FOAF) markup and other publicly declared connections. By supporting open Web standards for describing connections between people, web sites can add to the social infrastructure of the web.
Social Graph
Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2008
E-note, write, stick, erase and re-use
Digital post-it - conceptual work by sequoia-studio.
Mobile Concepts
Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008
digg labs
The labs provide a broader (and deeper) view of Digg. A lot of stuff gets submitted to Digg every day, so good things can sometimes fly right past you. Labs projects look beneath the surface of the Digg community's activities.
digg labs
Information Design,
Interaction Design
Viewzi - its all about the views
Viewzi is a whole new way to experience search. Instead of one big list, you get nice visual Views tailored for the content you are looking for:
With traditional text-based search engines, no matter what or how you search, your results are basically the same. Searching for Bono looks the same as searching for chicken recipes or sports cars:
Viewzi Corporate Home
Visual Search
A tablet to call your own
"Rob Tannen and his team at the Bressler Group, where he is Director of Research, have been working on the FieldCREW User Research Concept Platform, photo above. In Tannen's own words, 'It's a concept design for a data gathering system for user researchers who...spend so much time gathering information to design high-tech products, but have very limited tools themselves. It also brings together some interesting 'near-future' technologies, like subvocalization to silently take notes while conducting field observations.'"
Design researchers: A tablet to call your own - Core77
Mobile Concepts,
Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008
Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies
Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies: "Treemap 4.0: General treemap tool (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package)
PhotoMesa: Zoomable image library browser (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package)
Treemap Algorithms and Algorithm Animations (Open source Java code)"
PhotoMesa: Zoomable image library browser (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package)
Treemap Algorithms and Algorithm Animations (Open source Java code)"
Information Design
What is social media?
An ebook about social media from iCrossing UK:
[Download PDF]
Social media is best understood as a group of new kinds of online
media, which share most or all of the following characteristics:
- Participation: social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested. it blurs the line between media and audience.
- Openness: most social media services are open to feedback and participation. they encourage voting, comments and the sharing of information. there are rarely any barriers to accessing and making use of content – password-protected content is frowned on.
- Conversation: whereas traditional media is about “broadcast” (content transmitted or distributed to an audience) social media is better seen as a two-way conversation.
- Community: social media allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively. Communities share common interests, such as a love of photography, a political issue or a favourite tv show.
- Connectedness: most kinds of social media thrive on their connectedness, making use of links to other sites, resources and people.
[Download PDF]
Social Media
Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2008
Cool Visualizations
Pool on Flickr: Cool Visualizations - Tecniche di visualizzazione dei dati: "Cool Visualizations"
Information Design
2003 MSR Netscan Usenet Treemap by number of Posters auf Flickr - Fotosharing!
2003 MSR Netscan Usenet Treemap by number of Posters auf Flickr - Fotosharing!: "This is a treemap of the Usenet newsgroup discussion community space generated by the Netscan system at Microsoft Research. This map represents the number of unique authors in each Usenet newsgroup who appeared in the current year. Data on the number of 'posters' in each newsgroup was collected and calculated by the Netscan service. The area of each box is proportional to the number of authors that newsgroup attracted in the current year. Newsgroups with bigger poster populations create bigger boxes. Color maps to change from the prior year, green indicating growth and red for decline over the prior time period. The original sized image shows significant detail. The treemap tool is available for free download from the web site. It comes with an Excel plug-in that allows users to generate their own treemaps with any data they can get into a spreadsheet (that contains a properly formatted hierarchical data structure). Your mileage may vary. Netscan can be found at"
Information Design
Web 2.0 Expo: Presentation Files
Presentation files will be made available after the session has concluded and the speaker has given us the files. Check back if you don't see the file you're looking for—it might be available later! (However, please note some speakers choose not to share their presentations.)
Presentation Files: Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008 - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, 21 October - 23, 2008, Berlin, Germany
Presentation Files: Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008 - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, 21 October - 23, 2008, Berlin, Germany
Web 2.0
aka-aki on the iPhone
Just a few minutes ago we did a presentation at the Web 2.0 Expo Europe and gave a preview of the aka-aki application for iPhone and iPod touch which is due to be out soon. For those who couldn’t be there at the venue, here’s another exclusive preview…"
Read more
Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008
aka-aki: leute anklicken mit dem handy
Aka aki (A.k.a. Aki?) is a mobile client, who scans the space around a mobile user with blue tooth for other aka aki users. If they are indicated, their profile will be downloaded via UMTS, Edge or W-Lan from the aka aki-server to compare their likes and thougs. Profile can be edited at the aka-aki webpage.
Mobile Web 2.0,
Visual Think Map

"Sources examples of mind maps, notebook, sketches, info graphics, concept maps, diagrams, topographic maps, spatial cognitive visualisations"
Visual Think Map - Exploring creative innovative modes of visual communication of information
Information Design
Corporate Social Map
In July 2008 Ahead of Time developed a Social Map for Panasonic‘s brand LUMIX in cooperation with
Panasonic Deutschland.
"Since years we are very active in online marketing, like banner-campaigns or key-word advertising, as well as targeted eCRM campaigns with user-interaction. We realized that our current unstructured analysis of our activities do not give us relevant facts how to create even more-successful marketing strategies. Traditional methods reach their limits. That‘s why we decided to use the Social Map
Analysis to measure, reflect and re-organize our online marketing activities. The first results are showing us that this is the right way. A current Nielsen study showed that Panasonic is the leading corporate web-destination of all user electronic (UE) companies in Germany."
Find more at: AHEAD OF TIME
Download the Case-Study as a PDF-File.
Information Design,
Social Graph,
Social Media
Montag, 20. Oktober 2008
Canal + Set Top Box
French company CANAL+ and Yves Behar/fuseproject are launching Le Cube, a television receiver with a satellite decoder, ethernet connection and built in gyroscopic sensor that automatically rotates the display allowing the box to be used in both a horizontal and vertical position.
The unit is intended to look minimal from a few feet away and reveal it's high detail up close, the remote control features a sculpted soft back surface which creates the illusion of floating when placed on a table.
Excerpts from the press release
LE CUBE, was a chance to make the typical "dumb" receiver, smart and beautiful at the same time. In order to do so we had to conceive of the receiver box, the remote, and the CANAL+ TV graphic interface at the same time: the integrated system brings information, personal preferences and communication to the living room before one has turned-on the TV. LE CUBE is the first step in bringing the new capabilities we have come to expect from cell-phones, computers and the Internet, to the way we interact with our television.
[Read more]
Webpage: Canal +
How News are seperated and displayed in papers:

Information Design
Posts (Atom)