Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2008

Displaying Your ZYB Data on Your Site

In a previous post I added an example of how you can display your (or someone else's) lifestream data on your iGoogle page. But it's your data and you might actually want to show it on your site. As we write in other posts we are working frantically to give you access to as much of your own data as possible, but for now you can only get your profile data, lifestream and shouts.

Read more on pimp my ZYB

The Format is called JSOn on Wikipedia (JavaScript Object Notation).

LiMo Foundation

Welcome to LiMo | LiMo Foundation | Limo, Industry, Mobile, Foundation - LiMo Foundation: "LiMo Foundation is an industry consortium dedicated to creating the first truly open, hardware-independent, Linux-based operating system for mobile devices. Backing from major industry leaders puts LiMo at the Heart of the Mobile Industry and makes LiMo the unifying force in Mobile Linux."

Yahoo! oneConnect vs. Zyb

Yahoo! oneConnect™. A whole new way to communicate
on your phone.

Yahoo! oneSearch™ & Search Assist

Yahoo! oneSearch™ with voice
There’s no simpler way to search than just saying what you want out loud. The new Yahoo! oneSearch voice client lets you do just that. Ask for anything, such as restaurant names, flight numbers or showtimes, and Yahoo! oneSearch delivers relevant answers to your phone. The more you use it, the more accurate it gets—because it trains its voice recognition to your unique manner of speaking. Yahoo! oneSearch with voice is available on select devices for download today. Click here to learn more.

Search Assist
Typing on mobile phones can be cumbersome. With Search Assist, Yahoo! oneSearch simplifies the process of entering your search query by suggesting alternative search terms before you finish typing. Search Assist is currently available on the iPhone, with additional device support coming soon. Click here to learn more.

Yahoo! oneSearch™ News

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008

SKYHOOK: GPS without Satellites

David Pogue - Eye-Fi Review from mshean on Vimeo.
Combining the unique benefits of GPS, Cell tower triangulation and Wi-Fi Positioning, mobile consumers no longer have to wait minutes for a response or cope with inaccurate location.

Finally, a location-system that delivers the same level of location quality whether indoors or outdoors, in the country or downtown.

Location Based Adds

AppLoop Demo from AppLoop on Vimeo.
AppLoop Demo on Vimeo

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008

Openmoko, Inc. is building a Linux based smart phone with full GPL compatible firmware source code for Openmoko, project code named GTA02 (Neo FreeRunner).
Detailed hardware component selection can be found below. | Products

Google Mobile App -> Search

Google, PayPal & Co: US-Apps auf deutschen iPhones

MobileMe - Pushtest

“FW 2.0 for the rest of us”

“FW 2.0 for the rest of us”: "->

Post beta 4, the ramdisk hack stopped working. Sorry Zibri, guess you’ll have to steal another exploit.
Apple doesn’t appear to upgrade the bootloader on phones in the field, probably for fear of breaks. So any old iPhones out there today, regardless of version, can be unlocked.
The iPhone 3G uses a different bootloader, which I believe there aren’t any known exploits in yet. So no unlock."

Freitag, 11. Juli 2008

Take screenshots with iPhone 2.0 software

Running the new iPhone 2.0 software? Want to grab a screenshot of something? Turns out it's amazingly easy. Hold the Home button down, then tap the power button on the top of the phone. The screen will flash white, and that's it -- the screenshot has been taken.

Open your iPhone's Photos app, and you'll see the just-taken photo in your image library. This works amazingly well, and it's nice to see a factory-bundled solution for those of us who write about the iPhone! - Take screenshots with iPhone 2.0 software: "Take screenshots with iPhone 2.0 software"

tap tap tap ~ Groceries

If you're looking form some tasty bits for your iPhone, you may wanna check out this site. tap tap tap ~ Groceries

Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2008

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds


Den Roboter unter Kontrolle


To install, add to your sources. TiVoRemote is in the Toys category.

Mobile 2.0 Europe

Some notes from the Mobile 2.0 conference (Nokia Conversations)

Europe’s Mobile startups come together (TechCrunch)

Mobile 2.0 Europe: exploring the future of mobile (The Next Web)

Mobile 2.0: Rummble, Zipiko and Dial2Do shine, but venture capitalists express caution (VentureBeat)

Mobile Europe 2.0: Recreational Mobile Search, Intention Broadcasting & Much More; The Future Is Here, But Will MVNOs Like Blyk Drive It? (mSearchGroove)

mobile 2.0 - VC panel summary (Tony Fish)

Mobile 2.0 - The Conversation in the Wireless Industry Becomes A Shouting Match (Max Niederhofer)

(Dan’s Blog)
Open Business Models at Mobile 2.0 Europe
Early Stage Startups at Mobile 2.0 Europe
Mobile 2.0 Europe Kicks Off

Mobile 2.0: following up on the operator perspective (blog cpinto)

Zipipop wins at Mobile 2.0 Europe (Arctic Startup)

The Electric Knife Syndrome (Charlie Schick)

Shout’Em after Mobile 2.0 Europe (Five Minutes)

Recap: Mobile 2.0 Europe (Cultureslurp)

Rummble: A Unique Play On A Location-Based Mobile Search Engine (GPS Obsessed)

[tce] mobile 2.0 europe takedown (Vitor Domingos)

Live from Mobile 2.0 in Barcelona (Federic Dummeny)

via Mobile 2.0 Europe Rückblick at mobile ajax - mobile2.0 news

Mobile Me Download

Download (derzeit noch nicht über den Software-Updater sondern nur als extra Paket)

via [video] Grundkurs Marketing

Friend Book

Tapulous Blog Archive - Can Has Voiceover Gig?

Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2008

Identity 2.0

(Video from 2005)
Identity 2.0 Blog - The next generation of Identity

ZYB | Phonebook

Release today: ZYB | Phonebook

New features:
- Livestream
- Show contacts nearby
- Fotos from Flickr, Facebook...



AT&T Pogo

AT&T Pogo - Product Demo

Firefox Mobile Concept

Mozilla Labs - Blog Archive - Firefox Mobile Concept Video: "Firefox is coming to mobile. The innovation, usability, and extensibility that has propelled Firefox to 200 million users is set to do the same for Firefox in a mobile setting.

User experience is the most important aspect of having a compelling mobile product. Every bit of interaction and pixel of presentation counts when typing is laborious and screen sizes are minuscule. Many of the standard interaction models, like menus, always-present chrome, and having a cursor, don’t necessarily make sense on mobile. It’s a wickedly exciting opportunity but there are myriad challenges to getting it right.

One avenue for exploring this opportunity is through Mozilla Labs, which is about pushing the envelope towards better and brighter interaction horizons, as well as incorporating a winder community into the innovation process. This concept video explains one direction we are thinking in, and we’d love to inspire participation in thinking about other directions.

Standard Mockup/Experimental UI Disclaimer
All of the images and videos are only conceptual mockups of an experimental UI for Firefox Mobile, any particular feature may end up looking entirely different, or may not even make it into the final release."

Firefox Mobile Concept Video from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

3D Information Architecture

RPR-TomTom says navigation app already runs on iPhone

TomTom navigation app already runs on iPhone: "Dutch navigation device maker TomTom (TOM2.AS: Quote, Profile, Research) already has a version of its navigation software running on Apple's (AAPL.O: Quote, Profile, Research) iPhone and has plans to sell it to consumers, a spokesman said on Monday.

'Our navigation system runs on the iPhone already,' the TomTom spokesman said after Apple announced a new version of the iPhone that will include global positioning (GPS) capability."

Google Android

iPhone-Fan - alles über das smarte Handy: "Bei der gestrigen Präsentation von Android auf der Google I/O Konferenz in San Francisco fühlten sich viele Beobachter an das iPhone erinnert. Menü Icons und Bedienung erinnern an das Apple-Produkt. Hier haben die Google-Entwickler starke Anleihen genommen. “Ich denke, das iPhone ist ein tolles Gerät mit einem großartigen Browser, das in vielerlei Hinsicht unser Ziel verfolgt: Das Internet auf mobile Geräte bringen”, sagte Vic Gundotra, Googles oberster Ingenieur, in seiner Ansprache. Er wünsche sich, dass jedes Smartphone so gut funktioniere, wie das iPhone."


Whrrl: "Expand your world with the help of friends.
Discover places, movies, and events by seeing where your friends are going.
Share experiences with friends.
Track the places you've been and the places you want to go.
Share your location with friends on the go."

iControl Home Security 2.0

iControl Home Security 2.0: "Home Security 2.0 complements existing home protection equipment, making it easy to integrate this branded solution into your services portfolio."

Google Earth Blog: iPhone Earth - Coolest Things I saw at Where 2.0 2008

Google Earth Blog: iPhone Earth - Coolest Things I saw at Where 2.0 2008:

Last week at the 2008 Where 2.0, there were a number of interesting technologies being shown in the exhibit hall. One of the most interesting exhibits I saw was by a Boulder, Colorado company called earthscape. They showed a number of interesting things (see below), but what really impressed me was when their CEO Tom Churchill pulled out his iPhone to show me how they're working on a 3D Earth application for the iPhone. Check out this video I made as he demonstrated it to me"

Searchme - Visual Search

Searchme Visual Search - Beta - rev. 2.0.1

Is Facebook the Future of Search? - TIME

Baking a tarte tatin seemed an ambitious task for a newbie cook, but with the inclement weather outside and an orchard's worth of ripe fruit and other requisite ingredients in the pantry, I decided to tempt fate. But, as is typical with my ventures in the kitchen, things quickly got out of hand. I was about to Google the solution to my cooking dilemma, until a response to a status update on my Facebook profile — which read "Bill is cooking tarte tatin" — pre-empted that move and caused a dramatic paradigm shift in my view of the Internet's utility.

Is Facebook the Future of Search? - TIME

Apple Multi-Touch-Interface

Weitere Patente rund um Apples Multi-Touch-Interface: "Weitere Patente rund um Apples Multi-Touch-Interface
Tags: Patent, Rumors, Touchscreen.
Zwei Finger sind nicht genug. AppleInsider listet insgesamt 25 kürzlich veröffentlichte Patentanträge Apples aus dem Jahr 2007, die sich durchweg mit der Verbesserung und dem Ausbau der Multi-Touch-Funktionen auf iPod touch, iPhone und MacBooks befassen. So sollen die Gesten bis zu vier Finger umfassen und neue Panel-Technologien zum Beispiel zwischen Fingerkuppe und Fingernagel oder gar zwischen verschiedenen Körperteilen unterscheiden können."

Mit dem Handy Live ins Internet senden: - Startseite

Google Streetview

View street level photographs (select cities)
Take virtual walks; pan, rotate and zoom
Explore cityscapes, landmarks, points of interest
Find shops, restaurants, parks, hotels and more
Learn how to use street view

Google Maps

nrme (Near me)

nrme: "We're working on a new iPhone Location-Based Social Network which will be launching in Summer '08. As we finish our plans, we'll be regularly updating our blog.

Please register above for more information and for possible inclusion in our Beta test."

iPhone Jockey

IPJ iPhone / iPodTouch Jockey "RAIJIN / FUJIN"

FOAF and SIOC are now available

Today’s release introduced, among a lot of things, the semantic formats FOAF and SIOC for all profile pages. Actually, FOAF has been supported for a few weeks now, whereas SIOC is just released today.
pimp my ZYB - FOAF and SIOC are now available

FOAF-Format: Adam Ant 70a40d80aab0bf2210f4a23741b2fdd25d5222f4

SIOC site profile for "Adam Ant" A SIOC profile describes the structure and contents of a weblog in a machine readable form. For more information please refer to ZYB conversations Latest from Adam Ant ZYB | Latest from Adam Ant