The poster maps the major art groups in Innsbruck based on their key area of intervention, such as, Film, Architecture, Literature, Theatre, etc. | Art groups in Innsbruck
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Imagine if web sites could provide you with customized information based on your current location, even if you don't have GPS. Today we're launching the Gears Geolocation API for mobile and desktop browsers, while two third-party developers are launching the first location-enabled web apps using this API on Windows Mobile.
Today's release introduced a lot of new features - both visible and invisible ones. Among the invisible ones are support for more phone brands and types, faster synchronization and automatic Flickr account discoverability for contacts. They are significant improvements and deserve a post each, but this time I'll tell you about the new visible features instead.
It is now possible to sign in and sign up using OpenID. All existing users can also login using their OpenID and then associate the OpenID with the existing account. That means you don't lose any contacts or events because everything stays the same, except you can now use OpenID to authenticate yourself.
During the last months, our product and design team has been experimenting with different ways of showing what your contacts have been up to. First came the Friendstream, which was a graphical representation of the usual date sorted list of status updates and events. Now, they came up with a Friendplayer, which is very unique and give you a brilliant way of getting the latest updates from your contacts. It looks a bit like a cross between the Friendstream and a video player.
Public API
On you can see a list of all the different kind of information and formats you need to create mash-ups or third-party integrations. Currently we support 6 different formats and you can retrieve contacts, calendar events, SMS'es and activities on the Life- and FriendPlayer. The formats are RSS, JSON, FOAF, SIOC, VCard and VCalendar.
The information is protected by a special key that only the account owner knows, but is free to distribute. The key can be changed easily, which will render all the old URLs useless.
Hyves social network
We've added support for the Hyves social network, primarily used in the Netherlands. This means that Hypes users can now import thumbnail pictures and other information from their friends on Hyves, and merge them with the contacts on the phone. Most Sony Ericsson devices support contact thumbnail synchronization, so you get a nice picture displayed on the phone when a friend calls.
Performance improvements
Using YSlow and Fiddler to monitor the network traffic, we have made huge improvements in the website performance. By using the right cache strategies we were able to reduce the amount of data a user needed to download significantly. Also, relies heavily on the use of JavaScript and we have worked very hard on optimizing the code for better performance. Performance optimization is still very high on our to-do list the next 1½ month, so expect to see the site getting faster and faster during that period.
Reputation management is the process of tracking an entity's actions and other entities' opinions about those actions; reporting on those actions and opinions; and reacting to that report creating a feedback loop. All entities involved are generally people, but that need not always be the case. Other examples of entities include animals, businesses, or even locations or materials. The tracking and reporting may range from word-of-mouth to statistical analysis of thousands of data points. (more on Wikipedia)
Computerspiele sind als Unterhaltungsmedium nicht mehr wegzudenken. Der Markt für Computer- und Videospiele ist derzeit einer der größten Wachstumsbereiche der IT-Branche. In zehn Jahren, so prognostizieren Forscher, wird es eine Gesellschaft geben, in der bald jeder Erwachsene Erfahrung im Umgang mit Computerspielen hat.
Mobility Conference & Exhibition is a three (3) day event comprising of keynote speeches by both leading researchers and industrial experts, focused symposiums, technical oral presentations and updates by industrial presenters. This event provides a platform to introduce new mobile technologies that would shape the next generation of mobile systems & technology platforms.
Vodafone Group recently announced that CEO Arun Sarin would be retiring from his post in the near future, but two of Sarin's most recent speeches (at Mobile World Congress and the last CTIA show) will continue to resonate throughout the industry in the years to come. Sarin challenged the industry to whittle down the number of platforms or operating systems currently supported for mobile phones.
Cuil’s goals are to index the whole Web, to analyze deeply its pages and to organize results in a rich and helpful way that allows you to explore fully the subject of your search.Cuil
There’s an entertaining piece at the Inquirer about analyst firm J. Gold Associates predicting Symbian and Android will merge…
"Gold believes the ‘true’ open version of Symbian won’t be available for around 18-24 months, allowing time for the two code bases to be consolidated into a superior open-source product."
Unbelievable - at least technically as well as politically. Android and Symbian OS implementations are so technically different that it would make merging them a foolhardy endeavour. If even it were possible, the result would be a Frankenstein OS that would be difficult to understand and maintain. Where do people get these wild ideas? It’s madness.