Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009
Designing SMS apps for mobile Africa
- Read full article: Official Google Mobile Blog: Designing SMS apps for mobile Africa
- Visit Official Google Africa Blog (French only)
Emerging Markets,
Montag, 29. Juni 2009
Wireframe Magnets
This DIY magnet template is based on the Konigi wireframe stencils and includes 3 sheets of elements that might be useful in whiteboard prototyping. Simply download and print the PDFs onto magnet sheets, optionally laminate them if you intend to use with dry-erase markers, and finally cut them out.
Wireframe Magnets (DIY Kit) | Konigi
StepMap - Personalisierte Landkarten
Landkarten erstellen mit StepMap
Zwischen September 1786 und 1788 reiste Johann Wolfgang von Goethe kreuz und quer durch Italien. Die legendäre “Italienische Reise” des deutschen Dichters kann jeder nachlesen - bei Stepmap (www.stepmap.de) ist es nun sogar möglich, diese Reise auf der Landkarte zu verfolgen. Das Berliner Start-up bietet die Möglichkeit, individuelle Landkarten auf den Bildschirm zu bannen. Und ein Nutzer hat bereits die “Italienische Reise” auf einer ansprechenden Karte markiert. Für Reiseberichte ist Stepmap ideal! Zu jedem markierten Ort lassen sich Fotos, Videos und Beschreibungstexte hinterlegen. Zur Verschönerung der eigenen Karte stehen unzählige kleine Icons zur Verfügung.StepMap - Personalisierte Landkarten erstellen und Karten suchen
Custom Maps,
Dienstag, 23. Juni 2009
Introducing T-Mobile myTouch™ 3G with Google™

Introducing T-Mobile myTouch™ 3G with Google™: "Everything about myTouch 3G puts you first. An application that knows you better the more you use it. Themes and skins let you show off your style. You can even customize menus, wallpapers and icons to create an experience that is truly your own."
Google Wave: A Complete Guide
Google Wave has a lot of innovative features, but here are just a few:
- Real-time: In most instances, you can see what someone else is typing, character-by-character.
- Embeddability: Waves can be embedded on any blog or website.
- Applications and Extensions: Just like a Facebook application or an iGoogle gadget, developers can build their own apps within waves. They can be anything from bots to complex real-time games.
- Wiki functionality: Anything written within a Google Wave can be edited by anyone else, because all conversations within the platform are shared. Thus, you can correct information, append information, or add your own commentary within a developing conversation.
- Open source: The Google Wave code will be open source, to foster innovation and adoption amongst developers.
- Playback: You can playback any part of the wave to see what was said.
- Natural language: Google Wave can autocorrect your spelling, even going as far as knowing the difference between similar words, like “been” and “bean.” It can also auto-translate on-the-fly.
- Drag-and-drop file sharing: No attachments; just drag your file and drop it inside Google Wave and everyone will have access.
Google Wave: A Complete Guide
Browser Concepts,
Montag, 22. Juni 2009
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality: "Subobject Detection through Spatial Relationships on Mobile Phones"
Freitag, 19. Juni 2009
Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009
Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009
What is Web 3.0?
View more OpenOffice presentations from Johannes Bhakdi.
More presentations: What is Web 3.0? Semantic Web & other Web 3.0 Concepts Explained in Plain English
Mobile screen sizes
Pixel dimensions and aspect ratios
Physical screen size
Read more:
- Mobile screen size trends
- More on mobile screen size trends
Large Information Display
iSPD iPhone-Applikation
Wahlkampf heute:
Wahlkampfinfoes, Nachrichten, Soziale Netzwerke, Twitter, SPD-Internetkanäle, Flickerfotos, Youtube, Stimme abgeben und hören, Wahlkampf-Fotos & Location senden
iFUN.de/iPhone :: Alles zum iPhone − iSPD: SPD kündigt iPhone-Applikation für den Wahlkampf an
Wahlkampfinfoes, Nachrichten, Soziale Netzwerke, Twitter, SPD-Internetkanäle, Flickerfotos, Youtube, Stimme abgeben und hören, Wahlkampf-Fotos & Location senden
iFUN.de/iPhone :: Alles zum iPhone − iSPD: SPD kündigt iPhone-Applikation für den Wahlkampf an
Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009
What Will Cell Phones Look Like 10 Years From Now?
We're back with the final installation of this week's cell phone roundtable. We choose the topic, put forth a few questions to our panel, and bring the most provocative answers back to you. This week, with more details about the Palm Pre and Monday's iPhone G3 S announcement it seemed a good time to ponder some issues about our love affair with mobile. Today's question: What will cell phones look like 10 years from now?Design Roundtable: What Will Cell Phones Look Like 10 Years From Now? | Designerati | Fast Company: "What Will Cell Phones Look Like 10 Years From Now?"
Mobile Concepts,
Mobile Web 2.0
Montag, 15. Juni 2009
Laconica Microblogging
Laconica: "Laconica (pronounced 'luh-KAWN-ih-kuh') is a Free and Open Source microblogging platform. It helps people in a community, company or group to exchange short (140 character) messages over the Web. Users can choose which people to 'follow' and receive only their friends' or colleagues' status messages. It provides a similar service to sites like Twitter, Jaiku, and Plurk."
Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009
Dienstag, 2. Juni 2009
Demo of Asus' forthcoming all-in-one keyboard
Demo of Asus' forthcoming all-in-one "nettop" keyboard - Core77: "Next month Asus will launch their Eee Keyboard, which looks like an ultraslim keyboard with an iPhone slapped onto it. Touted as a 'nettop,' the device actually contains an entire PC, with the idea being that you can carry it around and plug it into any available display.
We were curious about the potential for the Frankensteinian integrated-touchscreen interface, but as Slashgear's hands-on review shows, the device may not be ready for primetime. Skip the first two minutes of the vid, the action doesn't start until about 2:04 (and avoid watching altogether if Failblog-worthy demos pain you to see)."
Optimus Maximus custom keyboard
Optimus’s customizable layout allows convenient use of any language—Cyrillic, Ancient Greek, Georgian, Arabic, Quenya, hiragana, etc.—as well as of any other character set: notes, numerals, special symbols, HTML codes, math functions and so on to infinity...
Optimus Maximus keyboard
While working in Photoshop and CAD I've always wanted physical, dedicated buttons to perform certain oft-repeated actions, but my laptop's QWERTY ain't got the space. Could this be the answer? The DX-1 Input System has 25 programmable, label-able keys you can stick anywhere on the transparent tray, which you can also slide labels under (like the transparent sheet on top of a Wacom tablet). It seems better to me than that Optimus Maximus keyboard with the LCD keys, because you can actually select the layout here and sort of tailor the ergonomics.
Interface Design
Google Wave Communication Browser
Google Wave Preview: "Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year. Watch the demo video below, sign up for updates and learn more about how to develop with Google Wave."
Browser Concepts,
Bing vs Google?
Microsoft stepped up its efforts to cut into the search dominance of Google, launching a public preview version of its widely praised Bing search site on Monday.
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