Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009
Vodafone Summer of Widgets 2009
Betavine is the open mobile application community: a place where anyone can come to find and share information and experiences about making applications on any technology platform whatsoever.Betavine - Competition - Vodafone Summer of Widgets 2009
While Betavine is a Vodafone project, it is in no way limited in its scope to Vodafone technologies for platforms. We seek to support the whole mobile application community....
via the Vodafone-Blog
In Deutschland findet dazu am Samstag, den 29.08. ein Tages-Workshop im Mediapark (KOMED) in Köln statt. Der Workshop in Zusammenarbeit mit Widgetslabs wird von mehreren erfahrenen Javascript- und CSS/HTML-Experten betreut, so dass jede Teilnehmergruppe am Ende des Tages eine Vodafone App gebaut bzw. die Webseite ihrer Wahl mobilisiert haben wird.
Now You See It
More on Visual Business Intelligence
We are overwhelmed by information, not because there is too much, but because we don't know how to tame it. Information lies stagnant in rapidly expanding pools as our ability to collect and warehouse it increases, but our ability to make sense of and communicate it remains inert, largely without notice.
Perceptual Edge focuses on the tools and techniques of visual business intelligence to help you make better use of your valuable information assets.
Dienstag, 28. Juli 2009
When the phone rings, turn your finger ring into an earring
5 Visual Search Engines
KartOO is a Web-based visual search engine that can search the Web, images, videos and Wikipedia entries. Using Google and Yahoo! search engines, KartOO allows you to create a visual map where related results are linked between them.
Touch Graph Google Browser is a visual search engine that displays the connections between websites using Google technology and visualizing the results in an interactive and customizable map. You can arrange and filter results. On the picture below you can see “Product Lifecycle Management” result filtered for “Daily PLM Think Tank”
Grokker is Web search engine. Your results are displayed both in a standard outline and in an interactive dynamic map. Results can be sorted by date, source, domain and refined selecting (or excluding) specific related keywords. A Grokker enterprise version also exists.
Oskope is visual search engine for Web. You can visualize results in different styles like: grid, stack, pile, graph and list.
Quintura is Web search engine. Quintura allows you to present results in a customizable tag cloud, and a classic organic outline.
(via 3D PERSPECTIVES - Blog Archive - Visual Search Engines)
Android OS 2.0 Donut
- Support for CDMA phones
- Text-to-speech
- Loads of new widgets, including one that allows for WiFi/Bluetooth/GPS/Email toggling and Brightness adjustment right from the homescreen.
- Official support for multitouch
- “Search integrated into everything”
- WPA Enterprise WiFi encryption support
- VPN support
- Automated backups
SoundCloud - We Move Music
SoundCloud: The Tour from SoundCloud on Vimeo.
SoundCloud lets you move music fast & easy. The platform takes the daily hassle out of receiving, sending & distributing music for artists, record labels & other music professionals.
Welcome - SoundCloud
Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009
Layers in Google Maps Mobile
Google Mobile Product Ideas Page
- "Share entire folders of documents with a team in Google Docs!"
- "A layer in Google Earth for iPhone that shows Geotagged locations of only photos in my iPhone photo library."
- "An application that speaks the driving directions in google maps Usefull to use the phone as gps car navigator."
Product Ideas for Google Mobile - Google Product Ideas
Find more in the Google Product Ideas Blog
Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009
Smart Map Browsing
"Die Nutzung von WebMapping-Anwendungen hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Der wachsende Nutzerkreis macht es erforderlich, verstärkt die Gebrauchstauglichkeit von webbasierten Kartenanwendungen zu untersuchen. In dieser Entwicklung spielt Freie Software eine bedeutende Rolle."
Diplomarbeit zum Thema Smart Map Browsing.
Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009
Multiplayer iPhone Games
Montag, 20. Juli 2009
Freitag, 17. Juli 2009
Cyclops Barcode Scanner :: Alles zum iPhone − Der perfekte Einkaufsberater: Cyclops Barcode Scanner: "Cyclops Barcode Scanner"
Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009
The Importance Of Wireframes In Web Design And 9 Tools To Create Wireframes | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
Designing wireframes the right way the first time cost no more than doing it the wrong way. Creating a paper prototype adds no cost, eather- simply print out the wireframe diagrams for the pages a visitor will use to complete the tasks most closely related to achieving his goals and meeting the site's business objectives.
The Importance Of Wireframes In Web Design And 9 Tools To Create Wireframes | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
JoinMe answers the question: “Where are you?”
"Have you ever been waiting for someone and wondered if they were close by or how long it would be until they arrived?"
JoinMe allows you to track the person you're waiting for in real time, see how far they are and how fast they're walking/running/driving to meet you. JoinMe is very simple to use--one button only--and respectful of your privacy: the localization request has to be approved before any information is sent; and as soon as one of the two people disconnects, information is no longer transmitted.
More Info: mobya:
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009
Montag, 13. Juli 2009
Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2009
Es ist deine Zeit
Vodafone: Ab 11.7. kannst Du hier total viel entdecken und natürlich auch mitmachen! Schau Dir die neuen TV-Spots und interessantes ...
www.Es ist deine
Weitere Seiten zur Kampagne:
Vodafone Germany - Generation Upload
Die ganze Prese-Koferenz gibts hier: Vodafone Pressekonferenz
Via Vodafone-Blog
Social Media Marketing boomt
Das sind doch mal schöne Aussichten für mich und alle, die sich Web2.0 auf ihre virtuellen Visitenkarten schreiben. Forrester Research hat in ihrem neuen Interactive Marketing Forecast bekannt gegeben, dass die Ausgaben für Social Media Marketing in den nächsten fünf Jahren um 34 Prozent steigen werden. Das bedeutet: Social Media hat die größte Wachstumssteigerung als alle anderen Formen des Online-Marketings.
Social Media Marketing boomt: Laut neusten Studien steigen die Ausgaben auf $3.1 Billionen bis 2014
Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009
Twitter Visualizations
Twitter Visualizations — Simple Complexity
Mapping with Isotype
Mapping with Isotype - Making Maps: DIY Cartography
Wie sieht man als Blinder das Internet?
: "Das, was früher behindertengerecht hieß, hat die euphemistische Tretmühle durchlaufen und firmiert heute unter dem politisch korrekten „barrierefrei“. Intuitiv denkt man an Rollstuhlrampen und breite WCs mit vielen Haltegriffen am Waschbecken. Doch Barrierefreiheit fängt schon dort an, wo man sie als Nichtbetroffener womöglich gar nicht wahrnimmt oder zumindest für nicht so wichtig erachtet: im Internet."
iPhone apps seeking to ease blind/deaf interaction - Core77: "Remember Bruno Fosi's iPhone case for the blind? He's not alone in trying to develop iPhone tools for the different-abled and those that interact with them: There's iVisit's SeeScan, an app that uses the camera to identify objects it's pointed at and speaks their names aloud, and Izatt International's Bumps, which helps the sight-enabled learn Braille.
Izatt has another flashcard-style app called Fingerspell, which is basically the same as Bumps but helps users learn sign language.
Lastly, the soundAMP app is designed to turn your iPhone into a hearing aid. Using the built-in mic (or an external, up to you), it simply turns the phone into a large speaker, amplifying everything it picks up. I'm not crazy about the interface, pictured up top--too many bezels, bevels, shadows and reflections for me--but the intent is admirable."
Dienstag, 7. Juli 2009
Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009
Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009
The New Practice of User-Centered Design
Tools of Engagement: The New Practice of User-Centered Design, by Robert Fabricant - Core77