- Upload your own screenshots.UI-patterns.com
- Organize your own sets
- Interact with your fellow design peers
- Suggest new design patterns
Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2009
Interaction Design,
Pattern Library
Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
This library shares user interface patterns with the web design and development community. We've got 50 patterns today and more on the way, and we welcome your feedback. (We've just finished launching a redesign to match our YDN parent site.)
Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
Interaction Design,
Pattern Library
Interaction Design Pattern Library
A huge collection can be found here: Interaction Design Pattern Library - Welie.com
- Navigating around
- Searching
- Shopping
- Dealing with data
- Shopping
- Making choices
- Personalizing
- Navigating around
- Searching
- Shopping
- Dealing with data
- Shopping
- Making choices
- Personalizing
Interaction Design,
Pattern Library
Montag, 26. Oktober 2009
Google Custom Search for mobile
"Google Custom Search makes it easy for web site owners to add Google-powered search boxes to their sites. Since a rapidly growing percentage of web search traffic originates from smartphones, we're pleased to announce that Google Custom Search now formats search results for mobile phones."Official Google Mobile Blog: Google Custom Search for mobile
Information vs Confustion
via Needles and haystacks and such.
via Needles and haystacks and such.
Information Design
Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009
Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009
Android 2.0 Walkthrough
* The OS now has native support for Facebook, including contact syncing
* Native Exchange support
* There’s a new unified inbox that brings all of your emails to one place.
* The maps application has been overhauled to support “layers”, which lets you toggle overlays such as Wikipedia entries, Latitude buddies, etc.
* The browser has been kicked up a notch in the speed department, along with an overall UI polish.
* New Widgets, including an on-the-spot Youtube record/upload widget.
More infos and screenshots can be found at: Android 2.0 screenshot walkthrough : Boy Genius Report
Montag, 19. Oktober 2009
10/GUI Desktop Interface Prototype
10/GUI from C. Miller on Vimeo.
10/GUI, a prototype interface by R. Clayton Miller, is a new way of interacting with the computer. We're all familiar with touch screens, but what Miller proposes is separating the touch from the screen and bringing your hands back to where you normally would use a keyboard and a mouse.
When Twitter Says Good Morning Around the World
GoodMorning! Full Render #2 from blprnt on Vimeo.
GoodMorning! is a Twitter visualization tool that shows about 11,000 ‘good morning’ tweets over a 24 hour period, rendering a simple sample of Twitter activity around the globe. The tweets are colour-coded: green blocks are early tweets, orange ones are around 9am, and red tweets are later in the morning. Black blocks are ‘out of time’ tweets which said good morning (or a non-english equivalent) at a strange time in the day. Click on the image above to see North America in detail (click on the ‘all sizes’ button to see the high-res version, which is 6400×3600), or watch the video below to see the ‘good morning’ wave travel around the globe:Read more: GoodMorning! | blprnt.blg
Information Design,
Mocom2020.com - A collaborative vision of the future of mobile media and communication
MOCOM2020 is an open think tank about mobile media worldwide. Our goal is to develop a visualized vision of the future of mobile media in the year 2020.
Mocom2020.com - A collaborative vision of the future of mobile media and communication
Wave 4 Slides: Power to the People
Wave 4 "power to the people"
View more documents from Julius Trujillo.
Browser Concepts,
Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009
What's wrong with today's iphone Springboard
Springboard is the formal name of the home screen on the iPhone/iPod Touch. Like the Mac Finder or the Windows Desktop, Springboard enables you to find the particular app you need.
Read more: Restoring Spring to iPhone Springboard
Google Wave on ebay
Buy it now for $89,99:
Google wave, great deals on Computers Networking, Everything Else on eBay!
Google wave, great deals on Computers Networking, Everything Else on eBay!
The Stock Ticker as a Planetary System
"STOC is a data visualization of the S&P 500 from the NYSE programmed in Processing. Each circle in the visualization represents one of the stocks in the S&P, with characteristics of each visualizing different data points for each. There is a legend in the project that will explain the relationships between data and visuals, as well as a list of the controls for interactivity. In the very near future we will be posting a tutorial video as well as the podcast ACM recorded of my Siggraph presentation. The project currently runs between 20 and 30 minutes behind real time and locks up momentarily when it updates every 10 minutes, which we are working on fixing asap. The project requires an internet connection, but I am unsure of other system requirements. We will be optimizing newer versions, and I will be making a mailing list of everyone that contacts me to announce updates."
UNIFORM CHAOS / Experimental Art Graphic Design / Stoc:
Botanicalls - The Plants Have Your Number
Botanicalls Kits let plants reach out for human help! They offer a connection to your leafy pal via online Twitter status updates to your mobile phone. When your plant needs water, it will post to let you know, and send its thanks when you show it love.
Read more on: Botanicalls
And here is a plant that twetts: http://twitter.com/pothos
Real Life Objects
Montag, 12. Oktober 2009
Adaptive Mobile Gaming: Scotland Yard - to go!
Many generations have been entertained by Ravensburger's "Scotland Yard" board game. As part of a programming lab students from the University of Bonn in cooperation with the game publisher Ravensburger Spiele and T-Mobile invented "Scotland Yard – to go!", the modern version where no longer figures are moved on the table but people interact in the real world chasing Mr. X.
The players are equipped with portable computer, a mobile phone and a GPS receiver. The GPS device provides the current location; the mobile is used for a connection to the internet. This enables to locate the accurate position of the detectives and also Mr. X in bigger intervals and on a map. The world is turned into one big game area.
The computer is not only a medium; it creates a whole new game experience since the game situation is adapted dynamically. For example when the player climbs on a bell tower not only his real sight is enlarged but also the virtual one in the game: The map will reveal more information about Mr. X position as before. This effect – "Adaptive Mobile Gaming" – is the outcome of several years of collaborative "Context Sensitive Intelligence" research between scientists from the University of Bonn and Telekom Laboratories in Berlin. The mobile game "Scotland Yard – to go!" which is developed by the students is now a demonstration of the possibilities this technology provides.
A project between Telekom Laboratories and Uni BonnAdaptive Mobile Gaming
Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009
ISMAR 2009: Sneak Preview of Demos at the World’s Best Augmented reality Event
More can be found here: Games Alfresco
Augmented Reality
Create UML diagrams online

If you are a mobile developer (or develop for any platform) you should have come across UML diagrams used to describe designs. I use them extensively in much of my work.www.yuml.me
yUML is an innovative online service that can produce UML diagrams via a structured web address (URL)
Information Design,
A Majority of Companies Prohibit Social Networking on the Job
Workers who want to share the latest news with Facebook friends and Twitter followers will need to wait until after hours or risk violating company policy, a new survey suggests. More than half (54 percent) of chief information officers (CIOs) interviewed recently said their firms do not allow employees to visit social networking sites for any reason while at work.Read full arcticle: Robert Half Technology - Press Room
Antisocial Networks
Create a Lifestream in Less than a Minute with Ident Engine
Today I came across an extremely impressive Lifestreaming demo that utilizes a new javascript library called Ident Engine. The library was built specifically for apps to provide the retrieval and or aggregate data across multiple web services. For the Lifestreaming demo, all you do is provide the URL for your profile on any of their 70 supported services and the script does the rest. It combs the web for additonal profiles and then creates a Lifestream and links to all the profiles it discovers in less than a minute.
Without much conscious thought, most of us have built identities across the web. We've filled in profiles, uploaded photos, videos, reviews and bookmarks. The Ident Engine uses semantic web API’s to bring together these web footprints.
Download at: Ident Engine
(via http://lifestreamblog.com)
Social Media
Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009
Montag, 5. Oktober 2009
Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009
Acrossair Apps at the itunes Store now
- Nearest Subway New York (1.59 €),
- Nearest Subway Paris (1.59 €)
- Nearest Subway Tokyo (1.59 €)
- Photo-Diashow (1.59 €)
- Wikitude
(via Erste Augmented Reality-Programme im App Store)
- Nearest Subway Paris (1.59 €)
- Nearest Subway Tokyo (1.59 €)
- Photo-Diashow (1.59 €)
- Wikitude
(via Erste Augmented Reality-Programme im App Store)
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