Mittwoch, 31. März 2010

A list of Location Based Social Networking sites

Aka-Aki, Belysio, Bliin, Blumapia, Blummi, Brightkite, Buddy Beacon, Buddycloud, BuddyMob, BuddyWay, buzzd, Carticipate, Centrl, CitySense, ComeTogethr, Dodgeball, Dopplr, Duzine, EagleTweet, FindbyClick, FindMe, Flaik,Footprint History, FourSquare, Foyaje, Fraced, Friend Mapper, Friends on Fire, GeoMe, GeoSpot, GeoUpdater, Glympse, Google Latitude, Gowalla, gpsME, Grindr, Groovr, GyPSii,ICloseby, iPling, Ipoki, IRL, Jentro, Junaio, LightPole, Limbo, Locaccino, Locatik, Locatrix, Locr, Locle, Loki, Loopt, MapMe, Map My Tracks, Match2Blue,MeetMoi, Meet Now Live, Microsoft Vine, Mizoon, Mobilaris, MobiLuck, Mologogo, Moximiti, My Adventures, MyGeoDiary, MyGeolog, Myrimis, myWingman, NAV2US, Now Here, Nulaz, Plazes, Pocket Life, Pownce, Quiro, Qlique, Rummble, Shizzow, Skobbler, Skout, Sniff, Snikkr, Socialight, Sparrow, Spot Adventures, SpotJots, Stalqer, The Grid, Toai, Tooio, TownKing TownQueen, Trackut, Trapster, Tripit, Troovy, Twibble, Twinkle,Twittelator, Unype, weNear, WHERE™, Whereis Everyone , WhereYouGonnaBe, Whrrl, Zhiing, Zintin

via: A list of Location Based Social Networking sites | BDNooZ


Das WePad ist ein Tablet Computer der neuesten Generation. Dem Nutzer bietet es schnellen Zugang zum Internet, eine komplette Welt von sofort nutzbaren Applikationen und einfachen Zugriff auf Bücher, Fotos sowie auf Magazine und Tageszeitungen verschiedener Verlage, die mit dem WeMagazine ePublishing Eco System realisiert wurden.

WePad - Designed in Germany |

WeFind - Genau was Du suchst

WeFind liefert keine schlecht sortierte Liste von Webseiten sondern findet strukturiert Ärzte, Hotels, Musik, Unternehmen und Treffer aus vielen weiteren Spezialgebieten. WeFind kooperiert mit den besten nationalen und internationalen Spezialsuchmaschinen wie z.B. Amazon, DocInsider,, Immobilo und Yahoo.

WeFind - Genau was Du suchst

Books in the Age of the iPad

As the publishing industry wobbles and Kindle sales jump, book romanticists cry themselves to sleep. But really, what are we shedding tears over?

We’re losing the throwaway paperback.
The airport paperback.
The beachside paperback.

We’re losing the dregs of the publishing world: disposable books. The book printed without consideration of form or sustainability or longevity. The book produced to be consumed once and then tossed. The book you bin when you’re moving and you need to clean out the closet.

Books in the Age of the iPad — Craig Mod


Montag, 29. März 2010


MephoBox | Web Design and Web Inspiration,a collection of user interface and design elements.

Social Media Is Dead

Clean Slate - reinvent the internet

Our mission is to "reinvent the internet" so Future Internet can:

- overcome fundamental architectural limitations (e.g. lack of security and mobility support) of today's Internet
- incorporate new technologies (e.g. sensor networks, optical networks)
- enable new class of applications and services (e.g. content dissemination, sensorized physical world, large scale virtual world environments)
- continue to be a platform for innovations and thus be an engine for economic growth and prosperity for the society.

Clean Slate Design for the Internet

Dienstag, 23. März 2010

If the world were a village of 100 people

If the world were a village of 100 people, how would the composition be? This set of 20 posters is built on statistics about the spread of population around the world under various classifications. The numbers are turned into graphics to give another sense a touch – Look, this is the world we are living in.

The World of 100 : Toby Ng Design

Donnerstag, 18. März 2010

#0044CC - The Bing blue color

Microsoft hat für die Links seiner Suchmaschine Bing verschiedene Blautöne getestet. Dabei fanden die Entwickler ein Blau, bei dem die Nutzer deutlich häufiger klicken.

Microsoft Pri0 | MIX10: The Bing blue color that's worth $80 million | Seattle Times Newspaper: "#0044CC"

Internet Porn

Change your business: Internet Porn - Transparency - GOOD: "The sordid relationship between the internet and pornography is a storied one. It's a kinship that inpires thoughts of locked doors and closed blinds, the secret fulfillment of shameful lusts. That, and it makes a hell of a lot of money"

Ten Steps to Becoming the Designer You Want to Be - design mind on GOOD - GOOD

1. Get the book: Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People
2. Get the obscure book you've never heard of: The Universal Traveller: A Guide to Creativity, Problem Solving & the Process of Reaching Goal
3. Choose a topic that fascinates you and learn it inside out
4. Write, blog, and speak on that topic
5. Learn Something New Every Day
6. Create a New Idea Every Day
7. Experiment
8. Learn as many frameworks as you can
9. Choose variety over anything else
10. ?

Read more: Ten Steps to Becoming the Designer You Want to Be - design mind on GOOD - GOOD

Social Game Design

Find here: 7 of the Best GDC Slideshows for Indie Social Game Designers - Facebook Indie Games

Mittwoch, 17. März 2010

UX Book Reviews

Card Sorting
Type: practical
Authors: Donna Spencer
Publishers: Rosenfeld Media
Details: 160 pages, paperback
With this book you can learn card sorting in a few days.

Designing Social Interfaces
Type: practical
Authors: Christian Crumlish & Erin Malone
Publishers: O’Reilly
Details: 478 pages, paperback
A practical guide for anybody who is working on social interfaces.

Thoughts on Interaction Design
Type: theory
Authors: Jon Kolko
Publishers: Morgan Kaufmann
Details: 2nd edition, 155 pages, paperback
Understand the story behind our profession on an academic level, but with an accessible tone.

via Johnny Holland – It's all about interaction UX Book Reviews: January 2010: "Card Sorting"

Montag, 15. März 2010

CROWDPARK - Social Forecasting Game - A Prediction Markets Game

Bei CROWDPARK kannst Du spielerisch die Zukunft vorhersagen. Du setzt Spielgeld auf Ereignisse oder Fragen, deren Eintreten in der Zukunft liegt. Gemeinsam mit anderen Spielern und der Technologie von CROWDPARK (sogenannte “Elektronische Prognosemärkte”) ergeben sich dadurch die genauesten Prognosen, die möglich sind. Diese “Weisheit der Vielen” ist zuverlässiger als die Vorhersagen der meisten Experten!

CROWDPARK - Social Forecasting Game - A Prediction Markets Game / Prognose-Märkte Blog

iPhone App Ensemble

Atau Tanaka and Adam Parkinson live at NYEAF from Adam Parkinson on Vimeo.

RjDj News - iPhone App Ensemble – Adam Parkinson

BBC - Visualising the internet

- Top 100
- Web rich list
- Net groth
- How it works
BBC News - The web: vital statistics


Lucy McRae straddles the world of fashion, technology and the body. Trained as a classical ballerinaand architect her work inherently fascinates with the human body.


impress - flexible display from Silke Hilsing on Vimeo.

via: licht Experimente

Daisy Bell by Aaron Koblin

Bicycle Built for Two Thousand from Aaron on Vimeo.


Bohemian Rhapsody

Real Time


Donnerstag, 4. März 2010

Schrittzähler von Porsche - was sonst? :: Alles zum iPhone − Schrittzähler von Porsche - was sonst?: "Das Programm präsentiert zudem den neuen 911 GT3 Hybrid, die Infos werden allerdings erst nach und nach, abhängig von der zurückgelegten Fußstrecke freigeschaltet."

Search your Android phone with written gestures

As mobile phones become increasingly powerful and can store more data, we've introduced new methods of search to get you to your content faster, such as search suggestions or search by voice. But sometimes, typing to get to the right search suggestion takes too long, and you may be in a quiet environment where speaking a query is inappropriate. Today we're pleased to announce Gesture Search, a new Google Labs application for Android-powered devices running Android 2.0 or above in the US. Gesture Search lets you quickly find a contact, an installed application, a bookmark or a music track from hundreds or thousands of items, by simply drawing alphabet gestures on the touch screen.
Official Google Mobile Blog: Search your Android phone with written gestures

Montag, 1. März 2010

The State of the Internet

JESS3 / The State of The Internet from Jesse Thomas on Vimeo.


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