Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010
Editions Volumiques
Here are the first pieces of les évolutions dynamiques following research on both volume and interactivity, playfully mixing paper and computation. By allowing interactivity and gameplay in the page (for example with the Duckette project) or between the pages (in The book that turns its own pages, or Labyrinthe), we try to bring new life to paper. We then pushed physical behavior to paper and ink (the book that disapears). There, the paper is no longer only the frame for representation, but at the same time the field of a real physical experience. We also played with the volume and perspective of book and content (paradoxales, Meeting-Zombies). And then, we tried to combine paper with this little computer-object almost of us all carry everywhere: our cell phone (the night of the living dead pixels, (i) pirates).
View the projects: editions_volumiques
Real Life Objects,
Siri - Your Virtual Personal Assistant
A new paradigm for using the Internet is about to begin: Virtual Assistants (VA’s) are coming to a mobile device near you.
This week, a stealth startup will demonstrate the first public version of their mobile virtual assistant, Siri. This may mark the beginning of the era of consumer-grade virtual assistants on the Web.
Siri is focused on mobile devices – particularly the iPhone and other smart phones, it has an unusually productive interface and user experience, and it is super useful – it is something I would really use every day. As a result I would not be surprised if Siri becomes one of the top iPhone applications within a few months after their launch. (Disclosure: In the past, I worked on the DARPA-funded CALO project from which Siri sprung).
Read more:
Siri - Your Virtual Personal Assistant
Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010
Cursor Affordances
Some time ago I’ve started a little quick and dirty Javascript and CSS experiment to help indicate more advanced mouse interactions in a visual way. By more advanced interactions I mean showing that things like double clicks, right clicks, and wheel scrolls could be performed on different UI elements. The left click is still perhaps the central mouse interaction that takes centre stage on the desktop, and I’ve seen users struggle to realize when additional interactions are possible. This I think is largely due to a lack of cues. Hence, these little cursor accordances aim to provide additional contextual symbols that float alongside the cursor. The other thing I wanted to achieve with this was to be able to display multiple cues at the same time (let’s say that both a left and a right click is possible on an element). So the code is super rough but here is a start. Basically numerous CSS classes are attached to HTML elements which then cause proper images to be overlaid near the cursor. Thoughts? Potential open source project?Wireframes Magazine - Cursor Affordances
Interaction Design,
User Experience
Meta Products — a genuine blog by Booreiland
“Meta Products are the next generation consumer products. These products consist of both a physical and a web part. By combining the offline and the online world, they make the web just a little bit more meaningful to all of us.”Meta Products — a genuine blog by Booreiland
1—Sensing wearables
2—Ambient intelligence
5—Navigation & location
6—Monitoring & tracking
7—Toys & games
Hardware Concepts,
Interaction Design
Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010
Twitwee clock
The Twitwee Clock is a modified Cuckoo Clock that wirelessly connects to the internet and constantly checks for new status updates or search results from the Twitter API. New Tweets are displayed on the built-in display in near-realtime accompanied by the charming yet obtrusive call of a mechanical cuckoo poping out of the clock.
Twitwee Clock from Haroon Baig on Vimeo.
From a technical point of view the clock consists of a touch screen display with a controller board and a wifi dongle, that is distributed as an open source/ open hardware plattform with a linux operating system by Chumby Industries. On the device there is a Flash Lite Player installed, a flash runtime for mobile devices from Adobe. A custom built widget for the Twitwee Clock connects to the Twitter API to receive new tweets. The mechanic of the cuckoo is controlled by the Arduino Board.haroon baig | projects | twitwee clock
Real Life Objects,
Search Blog
Sonja Quirmbach Blog just around the search / Special search themes / Usability of searches
Montag, 17. Mai 2010
Critique a Web Page in 30 Seconds or Less
When you're ready to launch your website, you'll want to give visitors the best user experience possible. Learning to evaluate a website effectively is part art and part science, but it's a skill that can be learned. To develop an eye for what works on a website and what doesn't, there are few simple techniques that help you critique your website in 30 seconds or less.Read more: ZURB – Critique a Web Page in 30 Seconds or Less
- Note where your eyes go first
- Squint your eyes
- Scan the page diagonally from top left to bottom right
- The "Five Things" trick
- Find the intersections
Interface Design,
User Experience
Amnesty International Portugal and Leo Burnett Iberia launched Tyrannybook, a social network dedicated to the surveillance of some of the world leaders who violate Human Rights the
Using a following system, the users can be updated about the faults committed by those leaders against the well known and recognised Human Rights. Released by Amnesty, the profiles of the tyrants are updated both by the organization itself and by the users, according to the current situation of the countries where they lead. As time goes by, it will expand by the addition of new profiles from the Amnesty. It’s up to each user to decide which leaders they are most interested to watch. Between them, users can even become allies, exchanging points of view and discussing current issues.
Antisocial Networks
Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010
Forms: Best practices
Things to think aboutSign Up form design - best practices & design review | Unmatched Style
These few tips on designing the sign up experience on your website are also the basic outline for Joshua Porter’s book designing for the social web. He has a lot of other very important info but I think these few really help the process of specifically thinking about the sign up experience:
- Describe WHAT it is
- Show HOW it works
- Show the end result
- Explain WHY
- Give examples of WHO is using it
- Use Testimonials or Case Studies
- Get Specific
- Give numbers (when they’re big-ish
Montag, 10. Mai 2010
Usability of iPad Apps and Websites
We are making this report available for free to support our loyal audience of usability enthusiasts by providing early empirical data about iPad usability. This report is less thorough than our normal research reports and does not contain as many detailed and actionable design guidelines as we usually provide. We decided to publish the report anyway (as a donation to the community), because all experience from the last 30 years of usability shows that early usability findings have disproportionally large impact on design projects.Download PDF at: Usability of iPad Apps and Websites: First Research Findings by Raluca Budiu and Jakob Nielsen
User Experience
Designing for iPad: Reality Check
1. Typography: Is it nice to read?
2. SFX & UX: What about that phony 3D stuff?
3. Interaction design: So what works?
Designing for iPad: Reality Check
Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010
Envisioning Your Future in 2020
In the future nearly every visible thing will be cataloged and indexed, ready to be instantly identified and described to us. Want to go shopping? In the future we won't need big retail stores with aisles of objects on display. We'll be able to shop out in the world (see image, above). Do you like that new car you saw drive by? Or those cool shoes on the woman sitting across the room? All you’ll have to do is look at it and your mobile handset or AR-equipped eyeglasses will identify the object and look up the best price and retailer.
Envisioning Your Future in 2020 | Blog | design mind
Funktionale Klänge
Hörbare Daten, klingende Geräte und gestaltete Hörerfahrungen.
Klang als ernster Designfaktor in der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation. Klang als Identifikations-, Orientierungs- und Differenzierungsmerkmal in Räumen, Systemen und Kulturen. Klang als Interaktionsinstrument. Klang als Aspekt zum Erleben des Digitalen. Klang als Erkenntnisgewinn. Klang als Mittel zum Zweck.
Klänge, die in Erscheinung und Struktur absichtlich ausgestaltet sind und einer bestimmten Funktion oder Zweck dienen. Die Funktion ist die Grundlage für Gestaltung und Gebrauch.
Klingt phantastisch, funktioniert aber.
Der zweite Band der Buchreihe Sound Studies fasst ein breites Spektrum von verschiedenen Forschungs- und Gestaltungsdisziplinen zusammen, die sich mit Klang und Funktion auseinander setzen. Er beinhaltet Texte zu Sonifikationen, zu Interaction Design, zu Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, zu akustischer Markenkommunikation, zu Klanganthroplogie und -ökologie, zu Design-Methoden und -Ansätzen, zu Klangsynthese und zu funktionalem Stimmklang.
Georg Spehr (Hg.), transcript Verlag Bielefeld
Erscheinungsdatum Mai 2009
Georg Spehr - Akustische Gestaltung
Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010
Sehr geil:
Nvidia Version: - three stones from Facadeprinter on Vimeo.
Nvidia Version:
Rich Internet Application
RIA Screen Layouts
Rich Internet Application Screen Design | UX Magazine
View more presentations from
Designing a rich Internet application (RIA) can test even an experienced design team. The hardest challenge is to blend Web and desktop paradigms to create a responsive and intuitive experience. Some paradigms that exist in the desktop environment are ill-suited for the Web, while many of the Web paradigms people are familiar with (paging, explicit refresh) are no longer necessary with RIA technologies like Flex and Ajax. As this space matures, we are learning more and more about which boundaries can be pushed, and which patterns transcend time and technology. While working on the book Designing Web Interfaces, Bill Scott and I explored hundreds of Web applications searching for these patterns. Armed with a crazy amount of examples, we distilled the patterns into six principles
Pattern Library
Montag, 3. Mai 2010
Woman’s Phone
In collaboration with Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, IxDS investigated the specific relationship of women and their mobile phones. Based on the assumption that women conceive of their phones differently than manufacturers want to make believe, we developed a number of concepts to uncover this perspective. The following working prototypes are examples for the result of this approach, emphasizing the more sensitive relationship.
Woman’s Phone
MEX 2010
We believe latency is the enemy of usability and must be
eliminated before new interface technologies become
suitable for the mass market.
The next MEX is on 19th - 20th May 2010, WallaceSpace, London, UK
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