Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

Swap - Collaborative Consumption

Rachel Botsman is the co-author of "What's Mine is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption" (Harper Collins, September 2010). Here, with a dazzlingly graphic display, she presents a compelling case for 21st Century sharing.
Trade Books, Book Swap, Trade Video Games, CD Exchange, Movie Swap, Trade DVDs -

Montag, 23. August 2010

FUI Fantasy User Interfaces

Look at: FUI Fantasy User Interfaces | Mark Coleran Visual Designer

UX Week 2010

Calling UX professionals (or aspiring professionals) of all levels! Join us at UX Week, the premier user experience conference, for fun times, inspiring sessions on the main stage and roll-up-your-sleeves learning during two full days of workshops. It's going to rock.

UX Week 2010

Apple arbeitet an Benutzerauthentifizierung per Bild oder Stimme

Wie ein aktuell aufgetauchter Patentantrag belegt, arbeitet Apple an einer Benutzerauthentifizierung über Gesichts- und Stimmerkennung oder gar den Herzrhytmus. Sollte diese Technik irgendwann bei iOS-Geräten zum Einsatz kommen, so könnte man diese darüber beispielsweise vor unbefugten Zugriff schützen.

Weiterlesen auf: Apple arbeitet an Benutzerauthentifizierung per Bild oder Stimme, Fernsperre bei Fremdbenutzung | :: Alles zum iPhone

Freitag, 20. August 2010

Short Review from the gamescom

1. Nicht mehr als ein ferngesteuertes Flugzeug:

2. Kinect funktioniert je nach Spiel gut bzw. gar nicht.

3. E3 NBA 2011 mit gemappten Faces auf den Avataren, shocking realistic.

gamescom | Home

Metaio AR and Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Google Maps for mobile - Official Google Mobile Blog

To 100 million and beyond with Google Maps for mobile - Official Google Mobile Blog

Mittwoch, 18. August 2010

Engine Service Design

Service design is a design specialism that helps develop and deliver great services. Service design projects improve factors like ease of use, satisfaction, loyalty and efficiency right across areas such as environments, communications and products – and not forgetting the people who deliver the service. For a quick overview, download our Two minute guide to service design.

Engine Service Design

Dienstag, 17. August 2010

PadPressed- Make Your Wordpress Blog Look Like an iPad App

PadPressed- Make Your Wordpress Blog Look Like an iPad App: "PadPressed has built in social sharing that allows your readers to share articles via Facebook, Twitter, and Email. The Social Sharing widget acts and feels like that found in Native iPad applications."

Freitag, 13. August 2010

Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

dmexco - digital marketing exposition & conference

15. & 16. September 2010, Koelnmesse
dmexco - digital marketing exposition & conference

Service Design: Key Methods and Strategies

Over the last few decades, the economy has shifted dramatically from products to services. More-informed, demanding, and time-scarce consumers are looking for companies that can help make their lives easier, more productive, and more enjoyable. The decisions we make, the brands we are loyal to, the way we spend our time and money are mostly based on the services we receive. As a result, even traditional product-based companies are now offering a broad spectrum of value-added services.

Seminar - Service Design: Key Methods and Strategies

Engineers Turn Robot Arm into F1 Ferrari Simulator

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, in Tübingen, Germany, transformed an industrial robot arm into a Formula 1 simulator.

Google Gesture Search

You may already be familiar with Gesture Search, our Android app from Google Labs that lets you search by writing out characters on the touchscreen of your device. Today we’re happy to announce a new version, Gesture Search 1.2, which includes a new motion gesture. By doing a “double flip”, or flipping your phone away and then back, you can start Gesture Search at any time.

via: Flipping for Gesture Search - Official Google Mobile Blog

Mittwoch, 11. August 2010

Attractive Interface Design

The Four Seasons Visualized

The Four Seasons Visualized on "Recently I’ve spotted a beautifully designed study of The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi. It’s the work by Laia Clos’ studio mot.

lesquatrestacions is a graphic information system for visualizing the lead violin of Vivaldi’s masterpiece. The work consists of four posters, a set of stamps and the documentation of the system."

Dienstag, 10. August 2010

8 Principles of Information Architecture

#1 Treat content as objects
#2 Keep in mind the paradox of choice
#3 Use progressive disclosure
#4 Give exemplars
#5 Install multiple front doors
#6 Grow
#7 Enable multiple classification schemes
#8 Open navigation by function.

Mittwoch, 4. August 2010

3D motion capture

SIGGRAPH 2010: Organic Motion from Core77 on Vimeo.

Die Suche als Verführerin

Search Patterns (Butterfly Book) von Peter Morville;
O’Reilly Media; Auflage 1 (17. Februar 2010)
Read more: Die Suche als Verführerin / Sonja Quirmbach

Dienstag, 3. August 2010

Montag, 2. August 2010

Design for Conversion Cologne

DFC Cologne
Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld
23. Semptember 2010

User Experience Design at Mozilla

Welcome to my blog. I'm a Principal Designer on Firefox, helping to develop its interactive design, visual design, and overall vision. On this blog you can find information about many of the user facing features being developed for future versions of Firefox.

Alex Faaborg

jQuery UI

jQuery UI Development & Planning Wiki / Mobile

Tab Candy in Firefox

An Introduction to Firefox's Tab Candy from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

Tab Candy: Making Firefox Tabs Sweet - Aza on Design