Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011

Cue – Gesture Icons

PJ recently took another stab at making gesture icons more comprehensible and released Cue under Creative Commons. It’s a proposed system for representing gestures more clearly that makes use of thumb like icons. He explains his motivation for the project in a blog post as well. The icons come in PNG (4 sizes), SVG, Omnigraffle and InDesign formats. Awesome. It’s always great to see explorations in visual language. Thanks PJ!

Wireframes Magazine Cue – Gesture Icons

Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

Tumult Hype

Tumult Hype: Using Tumult Hype, you can create beautiful HTML5 web content. Animations and interactive content made with Tumult Hype works on desktops, smartphones and iPads. No coding required. Learn More.

LiveView for iPhone & iPad

LiveView is a specialized remote screen viewing application intended as a tool to help designers create graphics for mobile applications, it has also proven to be useful for creating quick and dirty simulations, demos, and experience prototypes.
Nicholas Zambetti – LiveView for iPhone & iPad

Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

Nabaztag 2.0: Karotz

Karotz is a multipurpose internet-connected white rabbit. He moves his ears, speaks, reads, listens, his body lights up and he even detects the presence of other objects (by sniffing them). As he is permanently connected to the internet, he is able to react, transmit, broadcast all types of content which is available on his network: news, messages, music, texts, alerts, radio etc. Born in 2005, Nabaztag has since become the first icon of smart communicating objects. Karotz was launched in 2011 and is the third generation of multipurpose rabbits. Amongst the new features, Karotz also knows how to see and can locate where its owner is situated in the world, it can also show what it sees and listen via a PC or a Smartphone.


Meaningful Transitions

»Meaningful Transitions - Motion Graphics in the User Interface« deals with the use of animations in the user interface. It documents transitions in a clustered way to show at which point transitions can be a helpful extension to a static user interface, because of cognitive benefits to enhance the user experience.
Meaningful Transitions // Home

Montag, 21. November 2011


NodeBox | Home: NodeBox is a Mac OS X application that lets you create 2D visuals (static, animated or interactive) using Python programming code and export them as a PDF or a QuickTime movie. NodeBox is free and well-documented.

Welcome | NodeBox 2 is a new software application for creating generative art using procedural graphics and a new way to approach graphic design.

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Microsoft Productivity Future Vision

Mobile UI Patterns

The site features collections of mobile interfaces. Fantastic (growing) resource for UI designers.
Mobile UI Patterns | Recently Added

Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011

Zum Gucken: iOS 5

Im Video: Der Umzug von MobileMe zur iCloud | :: Alles zum iPhone

Siri on iPhone 4S

Haha: "Let me think about that..."

Siri assistant on iPhone 4S gets real world demo - SlashGear

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

360 Langstrasse Zürich

Eine Webdokumentation, die uns durch das verrückteste Quartier der Schweiz führt. Wir begleiten eine Polizeipatrouille, beobachten das „älteste“ Gewerbe und schauen in das Leben von Familien, Unternehmern, bunten Vögeln.
SF Dok - 360 Langstrasse Zürich

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011


Musical spectrum analysis from Jon-Kyle on Vimeo.

Jon-Kyle visualizes the musical spectrum of a song in this mesmerizing video. As the song plays, frequencies bubble up in the 6-o-clock position, and the trace remains as the circle rotates.

Dienstag, 20. September 2011

ImagePlot visualization

Software Studies: ImagePlot visualization software: explore patterns in large image collections

iOS Inspires Me

Showcase of the best looking iPhone & iPad app icons, app interfaces, app websites & resources iOS Inspires Me

Freitag, 16. September 2011

Montag, 12. September 2011

Animations in User Interface Design

A prototypical sequence in user interface design proceeds from wireframes to interaction design and finally to visual design. The user interface is successively refined, starting with abstract statics, then specifying the basic dynamic aspects until finally visual specifics are added. This is compatible with the view that visual aspects of a user interface are more or less the icing on the cake – details that should only be taken care of after the foundations for a user-friendly have been laid. But this view may be flawed.
Centigrade GmbH - Blog - Animations in User Interface Design: Essential Nutrient Instead of Eye Candy

Freitag, 9. September 2011

Inside The Matrix

Symposium »Inside The Matrix. Zur Kritik der zynischen Virtualität« am 28. Oktober 1999, veranstaltet vom Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, vom Europäischen Institut des Kinofilms Karlsruhe und von bluebox, Freundeskreis Schauburg e.V.. Vorträge, Statements, Interventionen, Diskussionen. Veranstaltungsort war das ZKM-Medientheater.

Inside The Matrix: Inside The Matrix

"Back to the Future"-branded self-tying Nike sneakers are finally on their way

"Back to the Future"-branded self-tying Nike sneakers are finally on their way - Movies - News -

Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

Design & Sience Fiction, Links

Is Nike Taking Us ‘Back To The Future’? - Summify

The Psychologist’s View of UX Design | UX Magazine

The Psychologist’s View of UX Design | UX Magazine

Mittwoch, 7. September 2011

Dienstag, 6. September 2011

Everything Is a Remix

Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Everything Is a Remix

Learn to code

Codecademy is an interactive guide to coding, for beginners

App Cooker

App Cooker

Montag, 5. September 2011

The evolution of the web

"Browser’s evolution is illustrated with screen captures of their various versions and many technologies are each linked to extensive definitions"

The evolution of the web

Apple Patents

The 313 Apple patents that list Steven P. Jobs among the group of inventors offer a glimpse at his legendary say over the minute details of the company’s products — from the company’s iconic computer cases to the glass staircases that are featured in many Apple stores.
Steve Jobs’s Patents - Interactive Feature -

Montag, 29. August 2011

i'm Watch


Dienstag, 16. August 2011

Air Swimmers

Air Swimmers

Dienstag, 9. August 2011

Core77 Design Awards

Recognizing excellence in all areas of design enterprise, the Core77 Design Awards celebrates the richness of the design profession and its practitioners. For our inaugural year, we present 15 categories of entry, providing designers a unique opportunity to communicate the intent, rigor and passion behind their efforts. From client work to self-initiated projects, entrepreneurial to pro-bono engagements, we embrace a wide diversity of design enterprise: commercial, cultural, social, environmental, or discursive. We welcome projects in all these spheres and honor the time, effort and quality of the endeavors, no matter their provenance.

Core77 Design Awards

How to tell a story with Data

Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics: "A book by Nathan Yau who writes for FlowingData, Visualize This is a practical guide on visualization and how to approach real-world data. The book is published by Wiley and is available on Amazon and other major online booksellers."

Montag, 8. August 2011

Beginner's Guide to Interaction Design | UX Booth - StumbleUpon

Web design has followed a long and windy road from it’s rather modest beginnings. Initially, the term “web designer,” described something much more akin to that of a graphic designer: a designer who concerns themselves with the presentation of text and pictures.

Complete Beginner's Guide to Interaction Design | UX Booth - StumbleUpon

Portfolio 2.0 - More Links

Business Card 2.0:

David Gelernter on FAZ.Net:
Wie wir mit unserem Leben in Verbindung bleiben

Organizing your electronic life

Montag, 1. August 2011

Minimal Folio on Vimeo

Minimal Folio from Simon Heys on Vimeo.

Minimal Folio App, Minimal Folio is the simplest way to present images, video and pdf. The app is unbranded so your portfolio does the talking. Demo videos and more:

Mobile Portfolio - From Widescreen to Pocket Screen

eyegix™ mobile portfolio from Daniel Bretzmann on Vimeo.

More Links:
- How to Make Your Portfolio iPhone-Compatible | Dani Jones •
- Jung von Matt
- Meyer, miller, smith
- Interactive iPad & iPhone on YouTube

PhoneGap 1.0

PhoneGap: "PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best... HTML and JavaScript."

Zinio 2.0

Get more with the New Zinio 2.0 for iPad from Zinio on Vimeo.

Zinio 2.0 mit ‘In-App’-Käufen für Magazine

Trainingslager für Interaction Designer

Gesturegame: Mit schnellen Handbewegungen auf den ersten Platz

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

Katie Lewis

Katie Lewis collects data through daily documentation processes, and then generates numerous systems to allow the information to exist in a material form. She abstracts and quantifies the data and creates mesmerizing pieces of art.Katie Lewis

Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011

Screenfly — Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions

Für Entwickler: Screenfly hilft bei der Webseitengestaltung für iPhone und iPadScreenfly by QuirkTools — Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions

Facebook for iPad

Hidden Facebook iPad app? Here's how to enable it

Google, Bing und Yahoo on mobile safari

Die Suchanbieter-Ergebnisseiten im Vergleich: Google, Bing und Yahoo

E-Pubishing mit Lion

Mac OS Lion verbirgt eine ‘Automator-Action’ mit dem Namen “Text to EPUB File“, die durch vier zusätzliche ‘Workflows’ für das Service-Menü noch wertvoller wird.Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Automation Release Notes

Montag, 25. Juli 2011

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011

Chosen - a javascript select thingy

"Chosen is a javsacript plug-in that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors."

Chosen - a javascript select thingy

Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

Multiscreen Experience

Plattform- und geräteübergreifende Angebote werden in Zukunft sehr relevant sein, weil viele Anwender in unterschiedlichen Situationen zukünftig verschiedene digitale Endgeräte verwenden und die Gerätelandschaft immer dynamischer und fragmentierter wird. Mittelfristig werden vier bestimmte Endgeräte im Fokus stehen: Smartphones, Tablet-PCs, Laptops oder Desktop-PCs und internetfähige TV-Geräte.
○ | MULTISCREEN EXPERIENCE – Prinzipien und Muster für das Informationsmanagement in der Digitalen Gesellschaft (Beta)

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Seven Guidelines For Designing High-Performance Mobile User Experiences - Smashing Magazine

A positive first impression is essential to relationships. People look for trust and integrity, and they expect subsequent encounters to reflect and reinforce their first impression. The same principles apply to brands and their products. Design plays an important role in building lasting relationships with end users and, thus, in supporting the brand’s promise.

read more: Seven Guidelines For Designing High-Performance Mobile User Experiences - Smashing Magazine

Montag, 18. Juli 2011

Apple Logo

Buamai - das-design-des-apple-logos.jpg 970x582 pixels

How to use the iphone Home Button
How to use the Home Button | Flickr - Fotosharing!d

Wheel of Concept

Sometimes you may not have an idea, but you still need to make that meeting. Fortunately, now there’s an easy way to be a “rock star.”
Spin the wheel, download your concept board, and seal the deal.
Wheel of Concept

Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011

Mockup Builder

1) Design your software or website mockups within minutes
2) Share a link with your customer
3) Receive a feedback and revise
4) NOW: start to develop right what you need!
Mockup Builder - Products

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore for iPad on the iTunes App Store

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore iPad App Trailer from Moonbot Studios on Vimeo.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

Colles Scrolling

Nizo for iPhone - Mobile web app mocks

Easily create mobile web app mocks you can share,
test on multiple platforms, and use in - Mobile web app mocks

Android Interaction Design Patterns

This is, a set of interaction patterns that can help you design Android apps. An interaction pattern is a short hand summary of a design solution that has proven to work more than once. Please be inspired: use them as a guide, not as a law.
Android Interaction Design Patterns |


JailbreakMe 3.0

JailbreakMe 3.0

iOS 5 beta 3

iOS 5 beta 3 mit erweiterten Einstellungen für Ortungsdienste und Bedienungshilfen –

Google Images Search

Works great: Google Images

Wall of Switches

Valentin Ruhry had the brilliant idea to take 5,000 orange rocker switches you normally see in power strips and transform them into a blank canvas. Oh, the possibilities!
It's Like a Giant Lite-Brite for Adults

Naitve vs. webbased Apps

Nochmal Über native und webbasierte Apps |

Links dazu:

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011

Das Google+ Projekt

Das Google Projekt: "Das Google Projekt:
Teilen wie im richtigen Leben, neu erfunden für das Web"

Mobilizer | Springbox

Mobilizer - Preview tool for mobile development from Springbox on Vimeo.

Preview mobile websites, design mockups, and local HTML on Mac or PC.
- Preview on iPhone 4, Palm Pre, HTC Evo, and Blackberry Storm, with more devices on the way
- Visit any URL or drag and drop local HTML, Flash, or image files
- View the same site on multiple devices
Export PNGs of device views - perfect for portfolios
- Quick, painless installation and upgrades via Adobe AIR
Mobilizer | Springbox

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011


Prototypes is the best way to share, and test, your iPhone App mockups. Turn your still mockup images from Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks (anything!) into a tappable prototype that runs on iPhone and iPod Touch.

Testsite (mobile): Prototypes
Appstore (31,99 €):

Gesture-Based Interface

Gesture-Based Interface Design Development: Hasso Plattner Institute's "Imaginary Phone" - Core77

Montag, 16. Mai 2011

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011

Laker compendium

Laker – Example App from Florian Franke on Vimeo.

Laker is a compendium of files, frameworks, styles and tips for designing digital publications in HTML5

Laker compendium – Designing digital publications in HTML5

Simple and Open

Die Roboterseiten vom Schockwellenreiter: Roboter - Cognitiones Publicae

- Wir sind die Roboter
- Roboter im Kino
- Nur Fliegen ist schöner
- Noch unsortiertes Zeug


The OpenNI Framework provides the interface for physical devices and for middleware components. The API enables modules to be registered in the OpenNI framework and used to produce sensory data. Selecting the hardware or middleware module is easy and flexible.
Introducing OpenNI:


The Only Open Source Mobile Framework That Supports 6 Platforms
PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores

Mittwoch, 27. April 2011

Modkit Editor

Modkit Editor


Fritzing is an open-source initiative to support designers, artists, researchers and hobbyists to work creatively with interactive electronics.
Welcome - Fritzing

Dienstag, 19. April 2011

- Dancing Robots at Coachella 2011

The back of a webpage ;-)


Dienstag, 12. April 2011


Preise und more via

Donnerstag, 7. April 2011

B-Reel Films

3 from B-Reel & B-Reel Films on Vimeo.

Android Design Guidelines


iPhone 4.2/4.3 Benutzerhandbuch


Dienstag, 5. April 2011

Montag, 28. März 2011

Baby Works iPad

Mittwoch, 23. März 2011

Bill Verplank about interaction design

Read the full article at: Motion and The Clay of Interaction Design Johnny Holland – It's all about interaction

Download Bill Verplanks Interaction Design Sketchbook (PDF)

Flow: Task Management and Online Collaboration for Teams

Flow is a task management app that lets you organize your entire life.

Work from anywhere
Your browser

From the office or the airport, Flow’s there with you. And because your tasks are secure online, you never have to worry about syncing.

Your iPhone
Check off errands as they’re completed and collaborate with your team on the go with our free iPhone app. Available on the App Store.

Your email
Email your tasks to and we'll handle the rest. You can even leave notes and delegate tasks to your team.

Your Mac
Quickly create and delegate tasks from your desktop using our companion Mac app. Set a global hotkey and fire off tasks as they come. Download the beta here.

Flow: Task Management and Online Collaboration for Teams

Setting a Google Map as the Background of your Web Site - blog | wadehammes

Setting a Google Map as the Background of your Web Site - blog | wadehammes: "properly"

Montag, 21. März 2011

In 48 Stunden von der Idee bis zum App Store

iCashBox in 48 Stunden von der Idee bis zum App Store
• Brainstorming rund um die Funktionen der Anwendung
• Masken-Prototyping
• Programmierung
• Grafiken erstellen und layouten
• Testen und bugfixen
• Einreichen in den App Store

Dienstag, 15. März 2011

Shopping-Plattform iPad

Shopping-Plattform iPad: Das nächste große Ding heißt Tablet Commerce ::

Web Standards Sherpa

The goal of is to provide web professionals the opportunity to receive feedback, glean advice and learn best practices from experts in the field to help them improve the quality of their own work.

Stop Hiding Behind Products - Web Standards Sherpa

Donnerstag, 10. März 2011

Artist turns New York subway into string instrument

Conductor: from Alexander Chen on Vimeo.

Alexander Chen: Conductor:

Mobile UI Pattern Collections

Mobile UI Patterns › Check-in Screens


Introducing EightBit.Me from eightbitme on Vimeo.

Right now, it’s a location-based check-in environment. This means you check-in to various venues and can syndicate those out to both Twitter and Foursquare (Facebook is coming shortly). Doing a combination of these things earns you coins in the game. Your first check-in at a venue earns you 3 coins, second one earns you 2, etc. You get extra coins for social blasts. But you don’t earn coins for trying to game the system (I won’t go into all those details, just play fair).


iPad 2 Showcases

In Vorbereitung aufs iPad 2: ‘Geführte Touren’ zu GarageBand, iMovie und iBooks –

Wind Knitting Factory

wind knitting factory: "Wind Knitting Factory"

Dienstag, 8. März 2011

Lego Mindstorm Projects

- news casualties as candy - information aesthetics
- spraybot - a lego mindstorms spray and graffiti roboter

Viral durch Personalisierung

Personalisierung - Übersicht:Viral durch Personalisierung: Einige Beispiele individualisierbarer Videos | Blick über den Tellerrand mit dem Podpimp


Freitag, 4. März 2011

Fotos from Cognitive Cities Conference

Fotos from Cognitive Cities Conference
We are at a point in time where the paths are set for the future of cities. The Cognitive Cities Conference (#CoCities) aims to bring the vibrant global conversation about the future of cities to Germany. We see CoCities as a platform for exchange and mutual inspiration. We invite urban planners, designers, technology geeks, environmental experts, public officials, urban gardening enthusiasts and cultural influencers to be part of the conversation. We can only make our cities more livable if we work together to improve them.

Cognitive Cities Conference, 26. & 27. February, Berlin

Mittwoch, 2. März 2011

Dienstag, 1. März 2011

iPhone Mockup

iPhone Mockup: "Any creation of a mockup through this website happens at your own risk. Note that your mockups are not protected in any way other than by a non-obvious URL. I can not be held responsible if you create a mockup and your competition figures out how to access it. Mockups can contain user-uploaded images and user-entered text. View at your own discretion. I do not watch, see or check this user-generated content in any way, and can not be held responsible for images uploaded by users of this site or text entered by users of this site."

Montag, 14. Februar 2011

Metaio’s printer repair

Augmented Reality: Metaio’s printer repair | Beyond The Beyond

Plastic Pals

Plastic Pals is a leading website dedicated to humanoid robots from around the world. Hundreds of robots are profiled, with new content added daily.
Plastic Pals - Robots who are fun to be with!

Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

Fingerprints on touch interface as interaction pattern

Because the primary input method of the iPad is a single piece of multitouch glass, developers have incredible flexibility to design unique user interfaces. It’s hard to appreciate the variety of UIs though, since turning the screen off removes virtually all evidence of them. To spotlight these differences, I looked at the only fragments that remain from using an app: fingerprints.

Design Language News

More Perfect Typography

Tim Brown - More Perfect Typography from Build on Vimeo.

swissmiss | More Perfect Typography

Data talks

Data talks and keynotes from O’Reilly Strata conference

HP Touchpad

Read more: [update] HP setzt auf ‘webOS’ und zeigt zwei Smartphones sowie ein Tablet –

Dienstag, 8. Februar 2011

bit by bit

BIT BY BIT von Felix Hueffelmann und Philip Frowein from Raum 21 on Vimeo.

bit by bit | Arbeiten | Raum21


Wie gehen wir eigentlich mit all den ausgedienten Technologien und Medien vergangener Tage um?

Kassettenrekorder sind ein Paradebeispiel für ein
Medium, das den Lebensstil und die Wahrnehmung von Musik von Generationen geprägt hat und mit dem wir schon so viele schöne 60-90-120 Minuten verbracht.
Die FORMforte Forschung hat das große Potential dieser Geräte als Fahrzeuge entdeckt und experimentell verifiziert. Die grundlegende Technik des Bandtransports bietet dazu die idealen Möglichkeiten.
Wir konnten eine breitere Öffentlichkeit im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs - des Rekorderrennens - für diesen Ansatz begeistern und ihn dabei mit anderen Elektromotorsport-Begeisterten weiterentwickeln...



YouTube - How to make a BristleBot - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

Montag, 7. Februar 2011


is a brand new, ground-breaking design application that supports user interface designers at every step of their work. Design beautiful interfaces, invent new widgets, style them and put it all together in an interactive prototype!
ANTETYPE: The new prototyping and design application for user interface designers - by ERGOSIGN



Freitag, 4. Februar 2011

Freitag, 28. Januar 2011

See Conference #6

SPEAKERS so far:

Carlo Ratti,
Harald Welzer,
Joshua Prince Ramus,
Brendan Dawes,


Floating Websites collection at: Media Queries

Edinburgh Comedy Fest 2010

Unveiling 3 new product-oriented web sites | LM3LABS' Blog

We unveil 3 new web sites for latest products.

- AirStrike™:

The touchless (mid-air) finger tracking product was launched a few years ago and already has an impressive track record but it never get its own web site. We correct the mistake.

- 3DFeel®:

3DFeel is full body tracking and will imply collaborative work with a partner generated library of materials.
The site will evolve to a forum centric site with collaborative work between partners (module, avatars, game logics,…).

- Moovaction®: http://www.moovaction.comUnveiling 3 new product-oriented web sites | LM3LABS' Blog

Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

Books with Personality

The intent of this project was to create animism in an object, with the use of programmable BlinkM® LEDs. We were interested in books because, as a set of objects, they still had a degree of individuality which we wanted to bring forward. By accentuating the character that the titles already exuded, we were able to develop each personality in unique ways, furthering the books from their common mass–produced ancestry. This experiment came close to becoming a psychoanalysis of an object–exploring themes of ego, vulnerability, intellect, and self-awareness.

Pasta&Vinegar - Blog Archive - ThingM Project Feature: Books with Personality

Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Little Big Details

An inspirational collection of UI details: Little Big Details

New CinderBlock

New CinderBlock: Kinect all manner of distractions

Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011

mobile melting - location based emotions | Ortsbasierte Touren und Geschichten

Auf kubikstadt kannst du Stadt-Touren und Stadt-Geschichten für dein Smartphone herunterladen und direkt vor Ort erleben. Folge den Spuren der Hauptfigur aus einem Krimi, löse mit dem Kommissar zusammen den Fall auf, besuch ungewöhnliche Orte in deiner Stadt, entdecke sie mit neuen Augen.

mobile melting - location based emotions | Ortsbasierte Touren und Geschichten


Memolane - Your time machine for the web from Memolane on Vimeo.

Memolane | Your time machine for the web

Construction Robots

kueperpunk: Ein Schwarm von Robotdrohnen baut ein Modellgebäude...

Robotic Conference

6 - 9.12.2011
Aachen, Germany
International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications 2011

Montag, 17. Januar 2011

Control Humanoid Robot With Kinect

Control Humanoid Robot With Kinect | Beyond The Beyond

Open Kinect

Open Kinect: (Mac)
OpenKinect Flash Tuio UDP Flash Bridge - labs

- Open NI
- AS 3 Kinect


Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011


The Noun Project collects, organizes and adds to the highly recognizable symbols that form the world's visual language, so we may share them in a fun and meaningful way.

Montag, 10. Januar 2011

Android 3.0 Honeycomb

Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011

1-Bit Symphony

Tristan Perich: 1-Bit Symphony (Part 1: Overview) from Tristan Perich on Vimeo.

Tristan Perich: 1-Bit Symphony

Debunking User Experience

We’re giving away a copy of ”Don’t Make Me Think!” and “Rocket Surgery Made Easy.” To two randomly chosen commenters, it’ll be the winners’ choice. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment about what your definition of User Experience is or if Dean’s article changed your perspective on UX at all. We’ll randomly pick from the comments in a week’s time.

Debunking User Experience | Unmatched Style

Montag, 3. Januar 2011


"Cortex is the fastest way to share links, articles, videos, images, music to your friends and family across the web."

The Dow Piano

The daily trading of the Dow Jones industrial average determines the songwriting here, translating the ups and downs of 2010’s market into musical notes. Using a five-note scale spanning three octaves, pitch is determined by each day’s closing level.

The Dow Piano -

Samstag, 1. Januar 2011

Dynamic sculpture brings weather into airport

Dynamic sculpture brings weather into airport


Toller Tipp für alle, die ihre GEZ Gebühren gerne bezahlen:
Mediathek für Mac OS X