Montag, 28. März 2011

Baby Works iPad

Mittwoch, 23. März 2011

Bill Verplank about interaction design

Read the full article at: Motion and The Clay of Interaction Design Johnny Holland – It's all about interaction

Download Bill Verplanks Interaction Design Sketchbook (PDF)

Flow: Task Management and Online Collaboration for Teams

Flow is a task management app that lets you organize your entire life.

Work from anywhere
Your browser

From the office or the airport, Flow’s there with you. And because your tasks are secure online, you never have to worry about syncing.

Your iPhone
Check off errands as they’re completed and collaborate with your team on the go with our free iPhone app. Available on the App Store.

Your email
Email your tasks to and we'll handle the rest. You can even leave notes and delegate tasks to your team.

Your Mac
Quickly create and delegate tasks from your desktop using our companion Mac app. Set a global hotkey and fire off tasks as they come. Download the beta here.

Flow: Task Management and Online Collaboration for Teams

Setting a Google Map as the Background of your Web Site - blog | wadehammes

Setting a Google Map as the Background of your Web Site - blog | wadehammes: "properly"

Montag, 21. März 2011

In 48 Stunden von der Idee bis zum App Store

iCashBox in 48 Stunden von der Idee bis zum App Store
• Brainstorming rund um die Funktionen der Anwendung
• Masken-Prototyping
• Programmierung
• Grafiken erstellen und layouten
• Testen und bugfixen
• Einreichen in den App Store

Dienstag, 15. März 2011

Shopping-Plattform iPad

Shopping-Plattform iPad: Das nächste große Ding heißt Tablet Commerce ::

Web Standards Sherpa

The goal of is to provide web professionals the opportunity to receive feedback, glean advice and learn best practices from experts in the field to help them improve the quality of their own work.

Stop Hiding Behind Products - Web Standards Sherpa

Donnerstag, 10. März 2011

Artist turns New York subway into string instrument

Conductor: from Alexander Chen on Vimeo.

Alexander Chen: Conductor:

Mobile UI Pattern Collections

Mobile UI Patterns › Check-in Screens


Introducing EightBit.Me from eightbitme on Vimeo.

Right now, it’s a location-based check-in environment. This means you check-in to various venues and can syndicate those out to both Twitter and Foursquare (Facebook is coming shortly). Doing a combination of these things earns you coins in the game. Your first check-in at a venue earns you 3 coins, second one earns you 2, etc. You get extra coins for social blasts. But you don’t earn coins for trying to game the system (I won’t go into all those details, just play fair).


iPad 2 Showcases

In Vorbereitung aufs iPad 2: ‘Geführte Touren’ zu GarageBand, iMovie und iBooks –

Wind Knitting Factory

wind knitting factory: "Wind Knitting Factory"

Dienstag, 8. März 2011

Lego Mindstorm Projects

- news casualties as candy - information aesthetics
- spraybot - a lego mindstorms spray and graffiti roboter

Viral durch Personalisierung

Personalisierung - Übersicht:Viral durch Personalisierung: Einige Beispiele individualisierbarer Videos | Blick über den Tellerrand mit dem Podpimp


Freitag, 4. März 2011

Fotos from Cognitive Cities Conference

Fotos from Cognitive Cities Conference
We are at a point in time where the paths are set for the future of cities. The Cognitive Cities Conference (#CoCities) aims to bring the vibrant global conversation about the future of cities to Germany. We see CoCities as a platform for exchange and mutual inspiration. We invite urban planners, designers, technology geeks, environmental experts, public officials, urban gardening enthusiasts and cultural influencers to be part of the conversation. We can only make our cities more livable if we work together to improve them.

Cognitive Cities Conference, 26. & 27. February, Berlin

Mittwoch, 2. März 2011

Dienstag, 1. März 2011

iPhone Mockup

iPhone Mockup: "Any creation of a mockup through this website happens at your own risk. Note that your mockups are not protected in any way other than by a non-obvious URL. I can not be held responsible if you create a mockup and your competition figures out how to access it. Mockups can contain user-uploaded images and user-entered text. View at your own discretion. I do not watch, see or check this user-generated content in any way, and can not be held responsible for images uploaded by users of this site or text entered by users of this site."