Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009
Quince: UX Pattern Library
Quince (pronounced kwinse) is a rich, interactive user experience (UX) design patterns library produced for the software community by Infragistics at no charge.
Check: http://quince.infragistics.com/#/Main
Check: http://quince.infragistics.com/#/Main
Interaction Design,
Pattern Library
Montag, 21. Dezember 2009
Google Browser Size
Google Browser Size is a visualization of browser window sizes for people who visit Google. For example, the "90%" contour means that 90% of people visiting Google have their browser window open to at least this size or larger.
Google Browser Size
Google Browser Size
Browser Concepts,
Information Design
Web 2.0 Suicide Machine
Tired of your Social Network?
Liberate your newbie friends with a Web2.0 suicide! This machine lets you delete all your energy sucking social-networking profiles, kill your fake virtual friends, and completely do away with your Web2.0 alterego. The machine is just a metaphor for the website which moddr_ is hosting; the belly of the beast where the web2.0 suicide scripts are maintained. Our services currently runs with facebook.com, myspace.com and LinkedIn.com! Commit NOW!
Antisocial Networks
Eko light
When sitting a red light in New York, you know the light's soon to change when the "Don't Walk" symbols facing traffic perpendicular to you start flashing; with enough experience you can even time it so your car launches into motion at the exact instant the green light illuminates. We're not endorsing this as a safe practice, merely observing that this is common.
Read more: Damjan Stankovic's traffic light countdown display
Interface Design
Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009
Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2009
Google Chrome for Mac goes beta!
via: http://googlemac.blogspot.com/2009/12/google-chrome-for-mac-goes-beta.html
Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009
Design with Intent
From the layout of shopping malls to digital rights management, our everyday lives are full of examples of products, systems and environments which have been designed to shape, guide or control – influence – our behaviour, using a wide range of techniques: technological, physical or psychological.
Intended commercial benefit is a major reason behind this; intended social benefit can be too (though it’s often fraught with politics). Sometimes the behaviour-shaping is helpful to the user; sometimes it’s serving someone else against the user’s best interests. Sometimes it’s trying to get the user to do something; sometimes it’s trying to stop the user doing something.
The common factor to all of this is intent on the part of the designer/engineer/planner or his or her corporate/political masters. This is Design with Intent: strategic design that’s intended to influence or result in certain user behaviour.
User Experience
IA Konferenz 2010, Köln
Service. Design. Thinking.
Example from 2009:

Die IA Konferenz 2010 am 14. und 15. Mai 2010 (Freitag, Samstag) bietet einen Querschnitt aktueller Ideen, Methoden und Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis der Informationsarchitektur.
Das diesjährige Motto der IA Konferenz spielt dabei auf eine Herausforderung an, vor die sich auch Informationsarchitekten immer wieder aufs Neue gestellt sehen: im Spannungsfeld zwischen Nutzerwünschen, Auftraggeber-Interessen, Budgetgrenzen und technischen Beschränkungen Nutzwerte zu schaffen, die für den Nutzer wirklich einen Unterschied machen, die als Innovation wahrgenommen werden und so die Marke des Produkt/Service-Anbieters nachhaltig stärken.
Was ist dazu außer Kreativität und einem ganzheitlichen Blick nötig? Die IA Konferenz 2010 bietet einen Einblick in die Strategien und Prozesse sowie den Techniken und Methoden solcher Anstrengungen zu "echter" oder auch subtiler Innovation und zeigt anhand von Fallbeispielen auf, welche Modelle zum Erfolg führen können. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf den gemeinsamen Methoden und Ideen, die im wachsenden Feld des „Service Design“ und der Methodologie des „Design Thinking“ zur Anwendung kommen.
Example from 2009:
UX Deliverables in Practice
View more presentations from Peter Boersma.
Interaction Design,
User Experience
Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009
Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009
Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009
Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009
A New Way to Search Images With Google Image Swirl
There's this branch in computer science and statistics for vision research. Normally, if you ever hear about it in the news it's in the context of spotting terrorists in security tapes or facial recognition checkpoints (you know, like what they have in movies in front of giant steel doors). That is of course not the only application.
A New Way to Search Images With Google Image Swirl | FlowingData
A New Way to Search Images With Google Image Swirl | FlowingData
Montag, 23. November 2009
Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Mobile Applications for 2012
No. 1: Money Transfer
No. 2: Location-Based Services
No. 3: Mobile Search
No. 4: Mobile Browsing
No. 5: Mobile Health Monitoring
No. 6: Mobile Payment
No. 7: Near Field Communication Services
No. 8: Mobile Advertising
No. 9: Mobile Instant Messaging
No. 10: Mobile Music
Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Consumer Mobile Applications for 2012
Mobile Apps
iPhone Projector
The HypnosEye Projector is one of the smartest little gadgets we've seen coming out of Japan in a long time. This one stands out from the recent wave of portable projectors in that it's completely wireless, and doesn't even require a power supply.Japan Trend Shop | HypnosEye Projector and Screen Set
Donnerstag, 19. November 2009
10 short 'n' sweet tips on how to design for web | Css Globe
1. Remember you have very little time on your hands
2. Remember that user scan the web
3. Up-left corner of the web site is most visible
4. Learn about F pattern
5. Learn what users ignore
6. Text vs graphics
7. Grab attention with design elements
8. Text Formatting
9. Use clean graphics
10. Use whitespace
(via 10 short 'n' sweet tips on how to design for web | Css Globe: "10 short 'n' sweet tips on how to design for web")
2. Remember that user scan the web
3. Up-left corner of the web site is most visible
4. Learn about F pattern
5. Learn what users ignore
6. Text vs graphics
7. Grab attention with design elements
8. Text Formatting
9. Use clean graphics
10. Use whitespace
(via 10 short 'n' sweet tips on how to design for web | Css Globe: "10 short 'n' sweet tips on how to design for web")
User Experience
Scroll Clock
Scroll Clock
- Made with MooTools.
- Source code here.
Other Projects of TOKI WOKI can be found in his here.
Interface Design
Mittwoch, 18. November 2009
The ambient live
Imagine a world where data becomes the everyday, simply embedded in what you normally do. It's really not far off if you think about it. We use charts, graphs, and viz to make important decisions with investments, businesses, and to stay informed on the news, so why not use it in our own lives?
via The Future: Embedding Data in the Everyday | FlowingData
Customer Stories,
Information Design
Montag, 16. November 2009
The Future Of The Web: Where Will We Be In Five Years? - Noupe
1. Micro-Payments For Quality Content
2. Wider Monitors For More Horizontal-Scrolling Content
3. Magazines In A More Interactive Format (Wiki, Digital Video, Etc.)
4. More Collaborative And Real-Time Content
5. More Semantic Content And Apps That Exploit Them
6. Augmented Reality In Mobile Web Applications
7. Better Adoption Of Web Standards
8. Better Web Security Against Phishing, Scams and Spam
9. Even More Social Apps
10. More High-Quality Online “TV” Programs
11. Web Apps Play A Bigger Role In Daily Life
12. Search Engine Optimization Will Be Less Important
13. Your OS Will Be Online
14. Customized User Interfaces
15. The Web Will Be The Center Of Information And Content Distribution
via The Future Of The Web: Where Will We Be In Five Years? - Noupe
2. Wider Monitors For More Horizontal-Scrolling Content
3. Magazines In A More Interactive Format (Wiki, Digital Video, Etc.)
4. More Collaborative And Real-Time Content
5. More Semantic Content And Apps That Exploit Them
6. Augmented Reality In Mobile Web Applications
7. Better Adoption Of Web Standards
8. Better Web Security Against Phishing, Scams and Spam
9. Even More Social Apps
10. More High-Quality Online “TV” Programs
11. Web Apps Play A Bigger Role In Daily Life
12. Search Engine Optimization Will Be Less Important
13. Your OS Will Be Online
14. Customized User Interfaces
15. The Web Will Be The Center Of Information And Content Distribution
via The Future Of The Web: Where Will We Be In Five Years? - Noupe
Mittwoch, 11. November 2009
Nano Touch - The Backside of a Device
Das Fachgebiet Human Computer Interaction, das von Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch geleitet wird, befasst sich mit Design, Implementierung und Evaluation von Interaktions-Techniken, -Geräten und -Systemen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Erforschung mobiler Interaktion an den Grenzen der Miniaturisierung. Gleichzeitig erforscht die Gruppe sehr große Multitouchsysteme und entwickelt eigene interaktive Tische, Böden und Wände. Die Werkzeuge dazu stammen aus Informatik, Industriedesign und den empirischen Wissenschaften.
via nano Magazin on 3sat
Interaction Design,
Montag, 9. November 2009
Mockingbird - Wireframes on the fly
Mockingbird: "is an online tool that makes it easy for you to create, link together, preview, and share mockups of your website or application."
Mockingbird: "is an online tool that makes it easy for you to create, link together, preview, and share mockups of your website or application."
Donnerstag, 5. November 2009
UML - Visual Paradigm
"Visual Paradigm for UML (Unified Modeling Language) is an award-winning modeling tool which supports UML, SysML, ERD, BPD and more, for designing application visually, and generating documentation, source code and databases."
UML, business process and database design tool for software development projects - Visual Paradigm
View the examples in the gallery.
Information Design
Mittwoch, 4. November 2009
Are you ready for the Internet of Things?
"Lots of things going on in the Internet of Things world lately. See for example, as pointed out by Marc the other day, Casagras, which stands for Coordination And Support Action for Global RFID-related Activities and Standardisation, has just issued its final report on RFID and the inclusive model for the Internet of Things."
Read more: Pasta & Vinegar - Are you ready for the Internet of Things? at lift Lab
Real Life Objects
The Making Off The 360 Ui
Vodafone Ue The Making Off The 360 Ui
View more documents from willemjhboijens.
Vodafone Ue The Making Off The 360 Ui: "The Making Off The 360 U"
A list of online timetracking tools
FreshBooks - Online Invoicing, Time Tracking and Expense Service
Send, track and collect payments quickly. Great for teams, freelancers and service providers.
Share files, meet deadlines, assign tasks, centralize feedback, make clients smile.
Tracking your time—for your clients, for yourself—doesn't have to be a dreaded task. Dispense with the preparation, avoidance, and gnashing of teeth. Freckle eliminates all the nonsense between you and your work.
Track time, log expenses, invoice clients, keep track of account receivables and revenue. Harvest lets you do it all, so you can run your business with style and ease.
Time tracking is vital for invoicing, accounting, and scheduling.
Yes, it’s been an annoying necessity for all too long. Let’s strike back.
With an advanced, yet simple tool to help you get things done: mite
Send, track and collect payments quickly. Great for teams, freelancers and service providers.
Share files, meet deadlines, assign tasks, centralize feedback, make clients smile.
Tracking your time—for your clients, for yourself—doesn't have to be a dreaded task. Dispense with the preparation, avoidance, and gnashing of teeth. Freckle eliminates all the nonsense between you and your work.
Track time, log expenses, invoice clients, keep track of account receivables and revenue. Harvest lets you do it all, so you can run your business with style and ease.
Time tracking is vital for invoicing, accounting, and scheduling.
Yes, it’s been an annoying necessity for all too long. Let’s strike back.
With an advanced, yet simple tool to help you get things done: mite
Dienstag, 3. November 2009
Building iPhone Apps Video
- OReilly-Book: Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- PhoneGap is an open source development tool for building fast, easy mobile apps with JavaScript.
- JQtouch - A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.
Chart of Movie Character Interactions
Popular nerd comic xckd takes a look at character interactions over time in Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, 12 Angry Men, and Primer. The horizontal axis is time and the vertical axis indicates which characters are together at any given time
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
Information Design
The Complete Guide to Google Wave
The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave:
"Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes. Read more about The Complete Guide to Google Wave."
Doodle: easy scheduling
Einen Termin finden ... für eine Vorstandssitzung, ein Geschäftsessen, eine Konferenzschaltung, ein Familientreffen, einen Filmabend oder für sonst einen Gruppenanlass.
Doodle: easy scheduling
Montag, 2. November 2009
Mobile Abilities Map
Mobile Abilities Map
View more documents from Helge Tennø.
Mobile Web 2.0
Best Practises of User Experience
User Experience Best Practices
Good & bad User Experiences of websites like:View more documents from Nick Finck.
- ebay
- flickr
- Toyota
- Amazon
- Target
- Netflix
Done by Nick Flinck from Blue Flavor
User Experience
User Experience Network
User Experience (abbreviated: UX) is the quality of experience a person has when interacting with a specific design. This can range from a specific artifact, such as a cup, toy or website, up to larger, integrated experiences such as a museum or an airport.
User Experience Network
User Experience
Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2009
- Upload your own screenshots.UI-patterns.com
- Organize your own sets
- Interact with your fellow design peers
- Suggest new design patterns
Interaction Design,
Pattern Library
Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
This library shares user interface patterns with the web design and development community. We've got 50 patterns today and more on the way, and we welcome your feedback. (We've just finished launching a redesign to match our YDN parent site.)
Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
Interaction Design,
Pattern Library
Interaction Design Pattern Library
A huge collection can be found here: Interaction Design Pattern Library - Welie.com
- Navigating around
- Searching
- Shopping
- Dealing with data
- Shopping
- Making choices
- Personalizing
- Navigating around
- Searching
- Shopping
- Dealing with data
- Shopping
- Making choices
- Personalizing
Interaction Design,
Pattern Library
Montag, 26. Oktober 2009
Google Custom Search for mobile
"Google Custom Search makes it easy for web site owners to add Google-powered search boxes to their sites. Since a rapidly growing percentage of web search traffic originates from smartphones, we're pleased to announce that Google Custom Search now formats search results for mobile phones."Official Google Mobile Blog: Google Custom Search for mobile
Information vs Confustion
via Needles and haystacks and such.
via Needles and haystacks and such.
Information Design
Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009
Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009
Android 2.0 Walkthrough
* The OS now has native support for Facebook, including contact syncing
* Native Exchange support
* There’s a new unified inbox that brings all of your emails to one place.
* The maps application has been overhauled to support “layers”, which lets you toggle overlays such as Wikipedia entries, Latitude buddies, etc.
* The browser has been kicked up a notch in the speed department, along with an overall UI polish.
* New Widgets, including an on-the-spot Youtube record/upload widget.
More infos and screenshots can be found at: Android 2.0 screenshot walkthrough : Boy Genius Report
Montag, 19. Oktober 2009
10/GUI Desktop Interface Prototype
10/GUI from C. Miller on Vimeo.
10/GUI, a prototype interface by R. Clayton Miller, is a new way of interacting with the computer. We're all familiar with touch screens, but what Miller proposes is separating the touch from the screen and bringing your hands back to where you normally would use a keyboard and a mouse.
When Twitter Says Good Morning Around the World
GoodMorning! Full Render #2 from blprnt on Vimeo.
GoodMorning! is a Twitter visualization tool that shows about 11,000 ‘good morning’ tweets over a 24 hour period, rendering a simple sample of Twitter activity around the globe. The tweets are colour-coded: green blocks are early tweets, orange ones are around 9am, and red tweets are later in the morning. Black blocks are ‘out of time’ tweets which said good morning (or a non-english equivalent) at a strange time in the day. Click on the image above to see North America in detail (click on the ‘all sizes’ button to see the high-res version, which is 6400×3600), or watch the video below to see the ‘good morning’ wave travel around the globe:Read more: GoodMorning! | blprnt.blg
Information Design,
Mocom2020.com - A collaborative vision of the future of mobile media and communication
MOCOM2020 is an open think tank about mobile media worldwide. Our goal is to develop a visualized vision of the future of mobile media in the year 2020.
Mocom2020.com - A collaborative vision of the future of mobile media and communication
Wave 4 Slides: Power to the People
Wave 4 "power to the people"
View more documents from Julius Trujillo.
Browser Concepts,
Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009
What's wrong with today's iphone Springboard
Springboard is the formal name of the home screen on the iPhone/iPod Touch. Like the Mac Finder or the Windows Desktop, Springboard enables you to find the particular app you need.
Read more: Restoring Spring to iPhone Springboard
Google Wave on ebay
Buy it now for $89,99:
Google wave, great deals on Computers Networking, Everything Else on eBay!
Google wave, great deals on Computers Networking, Everything Else on eBay!
The Stock Ticker as a Planetary System
"STOC is a data visualization of the S&P 500 from the NYSE programmed in Processing. Each circle in the visualization represents one of the stocks in the S&P, with characteristics of each visualizing different data points for each. There is a legend in the project that will explain the relationships between data and visuals, as well as a list of the controls for interactivity. In the very near future we will be posting a tutorial video as well as the podcast ACM recorded of my Siggraph presentation. The project currently runs between 20 and 30 minutes behind real time and locks up momentarily when it updates every 10 minutes, which we are working on fixing asap. The project requires an internet connection, but I am unsure of other system requirements. We will be optimizing newer versions, and I will be making a mailing list of everyone that contacts me to announce updates."
UNIFORM CHAOS / Experimental Art Graphic Design / Stoc:
Botanicalls - The Plants Have Your Number
Botanicalls Kits let plants reach out for human help! They offer a connection to your leafy pal via online Twitter status updates to your mobile phone. When your plant needs water, it will post to let you know, and send its thanks when you show it love.
Read more on: Botanicalls
And here is a plant that twetts: http://twitter.com/pothos
Real Life Objects
Montag, 12. Oktober 2009
Adaptive Mobile Gaming: Scotland Yard - to go!
Many generations have been entertained by Ravensburger's "Scotland Yard" board game. As part of a programming lab students from the University of Bonn in cooperation with the game publisher Ravensburger Spiele and T-Mobile invented "Scotland Yard – to go!", the modern version where no longer figures are moved on the table but people interact in the real world chasing Mr. X.
The players are equipped with portable computer, a mobile phone and a GPS receiver. The GPS device provides the current location; the mobile is used for a connection to the internet. This enables to locate the accurate position of the detectives and also Mr. X in bigger intervals and on a map. The world is turned into one big game area.
The computer is not only a medium; it creates a whole new game experience since the game situation is adapted dynamically. For example when the player climbs on a bell tower not only his real sight is enlarged but also the virtual one in the game: The map will reveal more information about Mr. X position as before. This effect – "Adaptive Mobile Gaming" – is the outcome of several years of collaborative "Context Sensitive Intelligence" research between scientists from the University of Bonn and Telekom Laboratories in Berlin. The mobile game "Scotland Yard – to go!" which is developed by the students is now a demonstration of the possibilities this technology provides.
A project between Telekom Laboratories and Uni BonnAdaptive Mobile Gaming
Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009
ISMAR 2009: Sneak Preview of Demos at the World’s Best Augmented reality Event
More can be found here: Games Alfresco
Augmented Reality
Create UML diagrams online

If you are a mobile developer (or develop for any platform) you should have come across UML diagrams used to describe designs. I use them extensively in much of my work.www.yuml.me
yUML is an innovative online service that can produce UML diagrams via a structured web address (URL)
Information Design,
A Majority of Companies Prohibit Social Networking on the Job
Workers who want to share the latest news with Facebook friends and Twitter followers will need to wait until after hours or risk violating company policy, a new survey suggests. More than half (54 percent) of chief information officers (CIOs) interviewed recently said their firms do not allow employees to visit social networking sites for any reason while at work.Read full arcticle: Robert Half Technology - Press Room
Antisocial Networks
Create a Lifestream in Less than a Minute with Ident Engine
Today I came across an extremely impressive Lifestreaming demo that utilizes a new javascript library called Ident Engine. The library was built specifically for apps to provide the retrieval and or aggregate data across multiple web services. For the Lifestreaming demo, all you do is provide the URL for your profile on any of their 70 supported services and the script does the rest. It combs the web for additonal profiles and then creates a Lifestream and links to all the profiles it discovers in less than a minute.
Without much conscious thought, most of us have built identities across the web. We've filled in profiles, uploaded photos, videos, reviews and bookmarks. The Ident Engine uses semantic web API’s to bring together these web footprints.
Download at: Ident Engine
(via http://lifestreamblog.com)
Social Media
Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009
Montag, 5. Oktober 2009
Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009
Acrossair Apps at the itunes Store now
- Nearest Subway New York (1.59 €),
- Nearest Subway Paris (1.59 €)
- Nearest Subway Tokyo (1.59 €)
- Photo-Diashow (1.59 €)
- Wikitude
(via Erste Augmented Reality-Programme im App Store)
- Nearest Subway Paris (1.59 €)
- Nearest Subway Tokyo (1.59 €)
- Photo-Diashow (1.59 €)
- Wikitude
(via Erste Augmented Reality-Programme im App Store)
Sonntag, 27. September 2009
Vodafone App Star - Build a Widget and Win
1st phase of the competition runs until January 31st 2010, so you have until then to submit your entry.
Three judges from each of the local Vodafone countries will judge the submitted entries and pick three winners. The three winners will receive (in reverse order), €10,000, €15,000 and €25,000. We will therefore end up with 24 winners, which will be announced on February 12th 2010.
Read more: Vodafone App Star Competition // Build a Widget and Win €100,000
TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge & Vodafone 360
Werde Fahrer bei der TV Total Stock Car Crash Challenge für das Vodafone 360 Team! Los geht's am 10. Oktober 2009 in der Veltins-Arena auf Schalke. Fahre Seite an Seite mit Elton und anderen Promis. Gewinne die Wildcard und sei mitten drin im Spektakel des Jahres.
Mehr Infos unter diesem Link: TV total Stock Car Crash Challenge 2009 - Specials - TV total
Donnerstag, 24. September 2009
Power to you: Vodafone Announces Vodafone 360
Vodafone today announces the launch of Vodafone 360 - a new suite of innovative internet services for the mobile and PC.
All of a customer’s contacts, status updates and messaging services are brought together in one place enhancing the customer’s experience and use of social media. Customers will have integrated contacts, music, photos and mapping services and can share their favourite music choices and even their physical location, how and when they choose, with their chosen groups of friends.
Read all: Vodafone Announces Vodafone 360 - Vodafone
Mittwoch, 23. September 2009
Robo.to gathers the latest about you into a tiny, easy to update, video-enabled calling card. Publish once, update everywhere!robo.to
Record yourself from your phone or webcam and publish everywhere.
Add your favorite sites & services to your card. It always stays fresh.
Stay the heck outside! Robo.to works oh-so-great on your phone.
Identity 2.0,
Dienstag, 22. September 2009
New Acrossair Apps
Nearest Tube
Now for Barcelona, Chicago, Madrid, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokio
Nearest Wiki
Nearest Wiki is your very own information portal in Augmented Reality view.
This is the app for you whether you are interested in brushing up on your general knowledge or are keen to learn about your surroundings in a fun interactive way.
Photos AR
PhotosAR is an addictive new app developed exclusively for the iPhone. It uses the great new technology Augmented Reality to give you access to
indispensable photos of locations that you want to get that little bit closer to.
(via iFUN.de/iPhone :: Alles zum iPhone − Nearest Wiki & Co.: Die Augmented Reality-Applikationen kommen)
Augmented Reality
Montag, 21. September 2009
AutistVZ - Hast du schon deine Ruhe?
Im Moment bist du alleine!AutistVZ - Hast du schon deine Ruhe?
Hier kannst du nun:
- Keine Gruppen gründen
- Keine Leute kennen lernen
- Keine Fotos hochladen
- Keine Nachrichten verschicken"
Antisocial Networks
Monopoly City Streets
MONOPOLY City Streets – Eine globale Live-Version von MONOPOLY, in der Google Maps als Spielbrett dient. Sie können jede Straße auf der ganzen Welt erwerben und im Spiel der reichste Immobilienking aller Zeiten werden.Monopoly City Streets
Die Inspiration für MONOPOLY City Streets stammt von unserem neusten Brettspiel MONOPOLY City. Wir wollten das aktualisierte Gameplay zum Leben hervorbringen.
Donnerstag, 17. September 2009
Mittwoch, 16. September 2009
Nokia PUSH
Nokia PUSH is a new Nokia initiative…
"to give designers, hackers, modders, creatives and artists the chance to get their hands on, and heads inside, the new Nokia N900 & the Maemo platform"
The brief is…
"tell us how you would hack and mod the N900 & Maemo to connect the N900 to something you love"
Nokia PUSH
Dienstag, 15. September 2009
Augmented Reality Wiki
"The goal of this wiki is to help people find resources related to Augmented Reality. Add any resources you'd like so long as they pertain to Augmented Reality! This wiki was started September 1, 2009. Please link to us!"Augmented Reality Wiki
Bloglist from there:
- Augmented Times
- Augmentation
- Augmented Planet
- Augmented Reality Blog
- Augmented.org
- Curious Raven
- Devlopment Memo for Ourselves
- Games Alfresco
- Gene Becker
- GigantiCo
- HIT Lab NZ News
- int13 blog
- Living in an Augmented Reality
- Mirror Image
- Sein blog
- The Future Digital Life
- The Future Is Awesome
- YDreams Blog
- ARvertising News
- Beyond the Beyond
- You Me Colors Arblog
Augmented Reality,
Montag, 14. September 2009
Social media in organisations
The Confederation of Danish Industry asked to hear my take on social media this week. My primary job is in user experience, but this past year has seen a massive increase in work where we seek to maximise all available channels. This presentation is not focused on ROI, more about the way we think about media channels, our identity online and how we should interact with those we sell products or services to.
Social Media
Freitag, 11. September 2009
adaptive path - UX Week 2009
"UX Week is the premier user experience conference, and in 2009 we look laterally at the disciplines that have influenced us. With a mix of inspiring talks from recognized thought leaders and hands-on workshops delivering takeaway skills, this event delivers for user experience professionals at all levels — directors, managers, and practitioners."
UX Week 2009, September 15-18 in San Francisco
Mittwoch, 9. September 2009
Where did all the money go?

Stamen Design, in its most recent project with the State of California, lets you explore the money breakdown. Like most of Stamen's work, at the base is an interactive map, but it is of course much more than that.
California Economic Recovery Portal - Stimulus Map:
"American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) funding is disseminated by the federal government directly to various entities within a state including state government entities, local government entities, local businesses, local non-profits and other organizations. Under 50 percent of Recovery funding is estimated to flow through state government entities."
Large Information Display
Dienstag, 8. September 2009
UpNext: Immerse Yourself in the City
UpNext NYC is an interactive 3D map to explore Manhattan. With UpNext you can fly and zoom through the city fluidly, in its full 3D glory, without network hiccups or download times.
UpNext iPhone
Augmented Reality,
Delicate Boundaries
Delicate Boundaries from csugrue on Vimeo.
As digital technologies become more embedded in everyday life, the line between the virtual and real is increasingly blurred. Delicate Boundaries imagines a space in which the worlds inside our digital devices can move into the physical world. Small bugs made of light, crawl out of the computer screen onto the human bodies that make contact with them. The system explores the subtle boundaries that exist between foreign systems and what it might mean to cross them.More: Delicate Boundaries
Augmented Reality,
Metaio - Augmented Solutions
As a pioneer in the area of augmented reality technology, metaio develops software products for systems driven by visual interaction in both real and virtual worlds. Our Unifeye software platform not only lets you place 3D animations directly into live video streams, but also supports the seamless integration of images from the external user environment.The Munich based company behind Popular Sience & GE or the Lego AR Shop Solution and many more.
Metaio - Augmented Reality, Mixed, software, product, systems, solutions, consulting, applications, presentation: Home
Augmented Reality
Layar 2.0 Walk Through
Event Video: Layar 2.0 Walk Through from Maarten on Vimeo.
A html-Version with singlescreens can be found here.
(via Vodafone Mobile Clicks & Layar-Blog)
Augmented Reality
List of Twitter-Tools
Dr. Web Magazin published a usefull list of different Twitter-Tools.
Donnerstag, 3. September 2009
Wenn Unternehmen twittern
Betreff: Tweet #1
Freitag, 10:01 Uhr
Lieber F., bezugnehmend auf unsere Besprechung von Montag letzter Woche, schicke ich dir nun den Tweet mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung. Wir haben uns an die Zeichenzahl 140 gehalten.
Bei Rückfragen stehen wir dir gern zur Verfügung.
Viele Grüße H.
Wenn Unternehmen twittern | TRENDOPFER
Flare | Data Visualization for the Web
Flare | Data Visualization for the Web: "Flare is an ActionScript library for creating visualizations that run in the Adobe Flash Player. From basic charts and graphs to complex interactive graphics, the toolkit supports data management, visual encoding, animation, and interaction techniques. Even better, flare features a modular design that lets developers create customized visualization techniques without having to reinvent the wheel."
Mittwoch, 2. September 2009
in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project
In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls, and developed with contributions from users.
The videos can be played simultaneously -- the soundtracks will work together, and the mix can be adjusted with the individual volume sliders.
in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project
Design Folios with Google Maps
Heavy Backpack - A Creative Catalogue Design Folios with Google Maps: "Using an application, like CASA’s Image Cutter or the Automatic Tile Cutter, you can create your own map tiles for Google Maps. This means that you can replace image map tiles with any image tiles you like including other maps, or more importantly for designers and artist, replace them with portfolio images!"
Information Design
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