Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2010


Kommunikationsplattform der Fachhochschule Potsdam: Incom.

Revealing Interfaces

Pattern Tap

Pattern Tap was born out of our love for the best interface designs on the web. We wanted a place where we could come and easily find the stuff we were looking for. Sometimes it was a matter of some inspiration for pulling off a horizontal nav bar with a ton of sections, sometimes it was just trying to visually separate some content. We didn't find any central place to find all this stuff, so we made our own.

Pattern Tap : Organized Web Design Collection of User Interfaces for Inspiration and Ideas. The CSS Gallery Alternative - Pattern Tap

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010

"Internet of things" form Bruce Sterling

Bruce Sterling from Innovationsforum on Vimeo.

via Innovationsforum Interaktionsdesign – Bruce Sterling

The Internet of European Things

“In a resolution adopted Tuesday, the European Parliament officially endorsed the development of the Internet of Things. This resolution frankly encourages the development of an Internet of Things in the European Union. It even calls on the European IoT Commission to “secure co-financing for the implementation of these technologies” and “continue funding pilot projects.”

Spime Watch: The Internet of European Things | Beyond The Beyond

Printed books on User Experience free to read online

1. Search User Interfaces- by Marti A. Hearst
2. Designing Interfaces- by Jenifer Tidwell
3. Thoughts on Interaction Design- by John Kolko. Contributions by Ellen Beldner, Uday Gajendar, Chris Connors and Justin Petro

via Printed books on User Experience free to read online - The UX Bookmark


via Design Fiction: Mouseless | Beyond The Beyond: "Mouseless"

Montag, 21. Juni 2010

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch Introduction from Sencha on Vimeo.

JQ-Touch meets Ext JS: Sencha Presents Sencha Touch

Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2010

eBoy FixPix

eBoy FixPix - Press

Montag, 14. Juni 2010

What Does the User Experience Team Do?

"A story, about a new, not-yet-released, product. The iPhone."

Not the iPhone 4, the iPhone 1!
The seven user experience lessons were and are:

- Place better 'experiences' ahead of more features.
- Start with actual experiences.
- Solve the real problems.
- Play to think.
- Treat interfaces like conversations.
- Lead with a vision.
- Obsess on the details.

To repeat it: "It's not about more features. Place better 'experiences' ahead of more features.

Freitag, 11. Juni 2010

Twitter Parade

View: Twitter Parade

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2010

Montag, 7. Juni 2010

1 Hour Design Challenge: Gestural Interfaces

"The latest 1 Hour Design Challenge: Gestural Interfaces was produced in partnership with Teague. Together, we challenged designers to think off the screen and make interfaces that live in the the objects and geometry of the world around us. In developing meaningful counterpoints to the flatness of all-in-one interfaces, we hoped you would integrate the richness of the physical world with the endless possibilities of digital information, tying together interface, ritual and context."

Announcing the Winners! 1 Hour Design Challenge: Gestural Interfaces - Core77:

iPhone Service-Menu

via: :: Alles zum iPhone − Ein systemweites Service-Menu: Erweiterungs-Vorschlag für das iPhone OS (Video)

Ferris macht blau - Twitter-Version

Sehr geil: Der Kult-Film aus den 80ern in der Twitter-Version:
- Ferris Bueller
- Jeanie Bueller
- Tom Bueller
- Sloane Peterson
- Ed Rooney


Touch Research 0: Class and Presentations

Touch Research 1: Inspiration and History

Usability: Der Kampf mit unhöflichen Geräten

Rolf Molich, ein Weggefährte des Usability-Gurus Jakob Nielsen, findet, dass man durchaus menschliche Maßstäbe an das Verhalten von Maschinen anlegen sollte. Bestimmte Fahrkartenautomaten beispielsweise findet der dänische Experte regelrecht "unverschämt". sprach mit Molich über seine Lieblingswebsites, gekränkte Produktentwickler und "Featuritis" bei Mobiltelefonen.


Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

Keynote Kung-Fu: How to wireframe like a ninja

Making a User Experience Strategy Tangible

User Experience Design begins with the definition of a user experience strategy, or a shared holistic vision for what a product or service will be from the end user’s perspective. Before a design team can start creating a product or service’s interface and defining specific capabilities, the team needs to evaluate ideas to determine what will meet both user and business goals most effectively. Defining a user experience strategy up front is critical to making sure that all design decisions map back to a vision that is supported by research and that has defined success criteria.

Read on: Making a User Experience Strategy Tangible | inspireUX - User Experience quotes and articles to inspire and connect the UX community

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom

Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways. Whether you teach an elementary class, a traditional college class, or at an online university, you will find inspirational ways to incorporate social media in your classroom with this list.

Read all: 100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010

Designing Interfaces á la Jenifer Tidwell

Testing Tools

LiveView for iPhone and iPad
LiveView is a specialized remote screen viewing application intended as a tool to help designers create graphics for mobile applications, it has also proven to be useful for creating quick and dirty simulations, demos, and experience prototypes.

Prototyping for the Apple iPhone using Fireworks
The best way to evaluate any design is to see it on the device for which it is made—the sooner in the process, the better. For designing web pages, this is easy: use the "preview in browser" function in Fireworks or create a clickable prototype of the pages you have set up. But when you design for the Apple iPhone, it is a bit harder. This tutorial shows you how to use a few scripts to make your Fireworks prototype work for the Apple iPhone.
(thx to Martin)

Souk - Exchange

Souk - Exchange from H Moore on Vimeo.

A project funded by Vodafone's Social Investment Fund to enable exchange of services, goods and ideas across Egypt and beyond.

Participants can:
• create their own 'currency' (skills, services, goods, knowledge)
• trade that 'currency' for things that they need
• create a community or group 'currency' with shared resources
• Gam'aya: combine resources to trade for something larger